Curatorial hour "Fighting corruption"

On November 17, 2020, an online curatorial hour was held on the theme "Fighting Corruption" with 4th year students of the TURKSOY Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The purpose of the Curatorial Hour is to fight corruption, prevent it and instill in students a sense o Curator-adviser of 4th year students A.Zh. Nazarova made a short report on the topic "Corruption and ways to combat it."

And also, the students were asked questions on the topic. The students suggested ways to combat corruption, focusing on the negative impact of corruption on the development and economy of the country.f patriotism.

During the curatorial hour, the students felt that the future was in the hands of young people and that they were responsible for preventing corruption.

The curatorial hour passed at its own level and ended with the motto "No corruption!"


Publication date :  11/17/2020