Online course with experts of international organization SCOPUS

On 10th of October in 2019 in the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University there was conducted an online course with an expert in SCOPUS International databases, a representative of ELSEVIER (one of the largest scientific publications in the world) in Central Asia and Iran,  Ozge Gizem Sertdemir for teachers of the Turksoy Department. Mrs. Ozge Gizem Sertdemir was one of the guests at the international exhibition “QS WORLDWIDE - 2019”, which was held on September 19-20. Since this event the Turksoy department has been co cooperating with the experts of international organization SCOPUS. The online course was organized by the head of the Turksoy department U. Kydyrbayeva. The aim of the course was to familiarize young scientists and teachers with samples of the scientific articles` publications in journals which are registered in the international database and to show how to use search engine for journals and their raitings.

Mrs. Ozge Gizem Sertdemir introduced the teachers of the department with the requirements for publication and how to implement them, also she showed the directions of the magazines and described the working and publishing conditions. Answering teachers' questions, the specialist emphasized the current role of the Scopus base, emphasizing the high influence of the University at the international level.

Abdukadyrov N.

Kairanbayeva N.

Publication date :  10/18/2019