«Language is the spiritual base of a nation»

The language festival is annually celebrated in Kazakhstan. At the Department of Oriental Studies at the Department of Turksoi was held a roundtable discussion on the theme «Language is the spiritual base of a nation», organized by members of the Scientific and Intellectual Club "Kutty Bilik". The purpose of the roundtable was to explain the President's Address to the people of Kazakhstan, to discuss the ways of achieving the goals set by the Head of the State, to promote the status and meaning, as well as to increase interest in studying Turkic languages.  

Head of the Department PhD Umit Tursynbaikyzy congratulated the audience on the holiday. The head of the lexicology department of the A.Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics, Ph.D., prof. Zhamal Mankeeva Aitkalievna, attended the round table. Scientist Zhamal Aitkalievna shared her impressions of the state language status among the students. She answered students' various questions. From the history of polyglots to language, interesting facts were given. In connection with the Language Day, 2-year student Begimay Mukhamedzhan reads the poem of T.Moldagaliyev. At the end of the event, Professor Jamal Mankeeva presented her books for students with autographs. The event was very impressive.


Kortabaeva G.K.
Halel A
Department of Turksoy
Faculty of Oriental Studies

Publication date :  9/14/2019