Eastern poetry: Abai and Nima, Mukagali and Orhan Veli

On February 21, 2018, at 14.00, an international poetry evening was held "Oriental poetry: Abay and Nima, Mukagali and Orkhan Veli", organized by the TURKSOY scientific and educational center of KazNU named after al-Farabi, the Central Scientific Library of RSE "Gylym Ordasy" MES RK, the cultural center of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the RK. At the evening, Professor Islam Zhemenei spoke about the similarities of the Persian poet Nima and the great Abai. Senior teacher deputy. Chair of the Turkic Faculty of Oriental Studies Zhenis Abeldaev made a report on the life and work of Orkhan Veli Kanyk, which takes its place in the Turkish literature of the 20th century. Students of Almaty Universities will take part in the evening and read the poems of these great poets. The students of the specialty Turkish language and literature read excellent translated versions of Kazakh poets Abai and Mukagali into Turkish and Tatar languages. At the end of the evening, students were awarded cash prizes for poetry readings.


Sh. D.Burkitbaeva

 Faculty of Oriental Studies,

The department of Turksoy,

PhD student

Publication date :  2/24/2018