The advanced training course

Senior lecturer of the department Turksoy Abeldayev Zh. graduated from the advanced training course
From October 10 to November 4 , 2022 , the teacher of the department TurksoyAbeldaev Zh. participated and successfully completed a 72-hour full-time andonline course "Research Methodology and Academic Writing in Literature,Linguistics, Translation and Pedagogy". The course was organized by the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai together with GiresunUniversity in Turkey. The course was taught by the director of the School of Foreign Languages at Giresun University, specialist in English language andliterature, associate Professor Vedi Ashkarogly. The course was held in English and Turkish. After completing the course, all participants were awardedcertificates.

Publication date :  11/25/2022