At the University of KazNU named after Al-Farabi, at the Turksoy department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies the opening of the annual week dedicated to the Turkish language and Culture was solemnly held



  At the University of KazNU named after Al-Farabi, the opening of the annual week dedicated to the Turkish language and Culture was solemnly held. This tradition has become a part of the university's main anual event program for quite a while now and is considered to be one of the most exciting and brightest events held in our educational institution. This event, as usual, was organized and held by the Department of the Turkic Faculty of Oriental Studies with the support of the attacheof the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Turkey. According to a good tradition, the Consul General of the Turkish Republic in Almaty Ali Ryza Akıncı 

The program of the event was worked out scrupulously, which made it possible to maximally reveal the main characteristics of Turkey and its people, demonstarte and surprise with the versatility of Turkish culture, instill love for the greatness of the Turkish language and captivate guests and young professionals with the depth and immensity of the great heritage. The opening ceremony of the annual cultural event was held by Consul General Ali Ryza Akıncı. The speech of Ihtiyar Paltura, our Dean, who is the main inspirer and organizer of educational events, was aimed at gratitude to those responsible for maintaining this annual tradition.

To achieve all the ambitious goals, the program included the watching of a documentary film that opened for us the exciting pages of Turkish history and a recitation competition, which demonstrated the beauty of the Turkish melodic language in all its glory. Turkish traditional music  played during the thematic week and  immersed all participants in a pleasant atmosphere where Turkish folk motifs reign, conveying the joy, hopes and aspirations of the entire Turkish people, thus adding even more charm and color to the event.

The speeches of our guests of honor, attache for education, Mr. Mahmut Agyrman and the head of the Department of Turkic Mirzahvna Sharipbayevich Myrza,were met with a big round of warm applause.                                        Nawadays, when the dialogue of cultures is in a difficult position, events aimed at glorifying cultures, instilling respect and reverence for other cultures, and increasing awareness about the characteristics of other cultures, are becoming increasingly relevant. Our university hopes that the Turkish Language and Culture Week has contributed to the consciousness of the younger generation in regards to the importance and value of intercultural dialogue.

In conclusion, we want to thank those responsible for organizing and holding the week of the Turkish language and Culture, our thanks go to Chakyra NurettinSelenay Koshumdzhk and Isakhanov Meirim Malikovna.

We also express our gratitude to the entire staff of the "Turkic" department, which always holds character-building and educational events at a high level, conquering new heights every year.





Associate Professor of the Turksoy DepartmentDulayeva E. Z.

 Senior lecturer of Turksoy department: Halel A.

Publication date :  3/18/2022