
Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology


Chemistry and Chemical Technology

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Engineering Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
1.Demonstrates interdisciplinary systems thinking to achieve his own successful and stable professional development and skill in scientific, industrial and pedagogical activities.
2.Carries out the development, organization and implementation of the technological process for the production of medicinal substances in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the relationship of their structure, chemical properties and biological activity.
3.Organizes the production of medicines in various dosage forms using innovative technologies, conducting a critical analysis of chemical, technological, biopharmaceutical and medical research of medicines and medical devices, in the development of their regulatory documentation, preparation of reports on the validation of production technology and establishing stability.
4.Conducts a comparative analysis of the most rational, economically and environmentally sound technologies for the production of herbal medicinal products (phytopreparations ), critically evaluating and justifying the choice of methodology and instrumental methods for their production in various dosage forms.
5.Demonstrates possession of modern physicochemical methods for the qualitative and quantitative determination of substances and excipients in medicinal products and at the stages of the technological process of their production, applying the theoretical laws of quality control to the identification of falsified, substandard and counterfeit medicinal products, developing unified methods for the analysis of functional groups of medicinal substances, carrying out a scientifically grounded choice of a set of methods for the analysis of biologically active substances of any class of compounds necessary for identification.
6.Critically evaluates the excipients of drugs, reasonably analyzing their chemical structure, technology of preparation and use in various types of dosage forms, taking into account their safety and synergistic interaction with substances.
7.Develops new medicinal substances, taking into account the mechanism of their action, carrying out the main stages of their production from research work, R&D to their state registration, skillfully using international standards of regulatory and production documentation in pharmaceutical production.
8.Carries out the organization of pharmaceutical production in accordance with the requirements of Good Pharmaceutical Practices (GMP, GPP, GDP, GVP), critically evaluating and justifying the achievement of compliance and maintaining an appropriate level of product quality in relation to products previously manufactured according to local or internal standards, forming a conceptual plan for the introduction of pharmaceuticals substances and drugs into production in compliance with international standards and offering methods of their production, control, registration and pharmacological supervision.
9.Applies methods of directed design of vital drugs, taking into account the dependence of the type and level of their physiological activity on the structure of drugs.
10.Demonstrates deep professional knowledge in the field of management and marketing in pharmacy, applying the basic management functions in the leadership of enterprises in the pharmaceutical industry; analyzing the pharmaceutical market at different levels and building a management strategy on its basis, modeling a system for promoting pharmaceutical products to the market, evaluating merchandising systems at trade enterprises of the pharmaceutical industry, designing drug merchandising systems in pharmacy enterprises.
11.Carries out the design of a logistics system in pharmaceuticals, modulating the logistics of procurement, distribution and sales, stocks and warehousing, production processes and transport, information, finance and service in the pharmaceutical industry, demonstrating the ability of scientific design of the tariff system in the logistics system of pharmaceutical entrepreneurship.
12.Organizes systems and enterprises for certification of pharmaceutical and medical products for the examination of the quality, safety and efficacy of drugs and medical devices in accordance with the requirements of Good Pharmaceutical Practices.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years