PhD courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Project Management


High School of Economics and Business

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1. develop scientific, research and educational strategic plans, integrated programs, project portfolios based on fundamental scientific training, knowledge of strategic planning, methods of research and modeling of projects;
ON2. create creative scientific ideas and products using analysis as a general scientific method of knowledge, evaluation and synthesis in the process of integrated research, creation and promotion of an innovative project product;
ON3. to make a substantiation and choice of accepted portfolio and design decisions, on the basis of modeling and application of modern methods and tools of project management;
ON.4 develop alternative methods of forecasting and evaluation for investment and portfolio analysis, with the aim of improving the efficiency of projects and making decisions on their financing;
ON 5. create an expert opinion, summarizing the results of system analysis in assessing and synthesizing new ideas, identifying problem situations in the process of designing, developing, adopting and implementing project management decisions;
ON 6. organize the provision of analytical, consulting, outsourcing and educational services to interested organizations and individuals; develop educational programs and corporate project management standards; develop methodological support and conduct pedagogical activities in higher education institutions;
ON 7. to recommend, on the basis of analysis, evaluation and selection, alternative options for management decisions in specific organizational and project situations;
ON 8. generate and set goals and objectives in the process of planning and operational management of the program, the project in conditions of full awareness;
ON 9. substantiate the choice of the trend of the project idea, models, expert methods of forecasting and reducing the investment risks of the project;
ON 10. to prove and insist on their point of view in evaluating the effectiveness of project management activities, to convince opponents of the correctness of the proposed solution;
ON 11. expand the scope of existing knowledge in the field of project management, reflect them in national and international refereed publications, through original research, critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new ideas, creation of an innovative project product.
ON 12. conduct a dialogue with a wide scientific community, equal in status by scientists, employers and students on the subject of their field of competence: types of research projects, project management problems, types, methods, management project consulting technologies, areas of application of these methods, risks, trends and their limitations .
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years