PhD courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:



Biology and Biotechnology

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON 1. To organize, plan and implement the process of basic scientific research in the research laboratories of the biomedical field, practical health care institutions, pharmacological and chrono-medical centers, higher educational institutions.
ON 2. Directly lead and develop a development strategy for biomedical organizations; plan, organize and coordinate the activities of biomedical structural divisions, make proposals for its improvement, bearing full responsibility for the consequences of decisions made.
ON 3. Analyze, evaluate and compare various theoretical concepts in the field of biomedical research and draw appropriate conclusions;
ON 4. To ensure the quality and effectiveness of selected modern scientific research methods, to use the descriptive, prognostic and normative aspects of statistical methods when processing the results of a biomedical experiment.
ON 5. Choose and effectively use modern research methodology, conduct independent scientific research, identify and solve theoretical and applied problems in the framework of modern scientific biomedical fields (physiology, cardiology, oncology, endocrinology, immunology, pharmacology, digital medicine, regenerative medicine, etc.) d.)
ON 6. Generate their own new scientific ideas, communicate their knowledge and ideas to the scientific community, expanding the boundaries of scientific knowledge in the field of biomedicine;
ON 7. Integrate the achievements of the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc.) with biology and medicine, use the principles of construction and functioning of biological systems to improve and optimize technical devices, create new types of devices, automata and control systems in medicine.
ON 8. Develop physical, mechanical, pharmacological and non-pharmacological correction methods, recommend a set of measures to normalize the body’s metabolic processes, level the symptoms of pathological conditions and restore constancy of the internal environment of the body.
ON 9. Organize and conduct an examination of scientific projects in the field of biomedicine based on a high level of competence in biomedicine, work experience, knowledge of the law, specialist's understanding of expert assessment methods, ability to argue their opinions, listen to others' opinions and, if necessary, correct theirs.
ON 10. To comply with the fundamental principles of bioethical principles, legislative and regulatory documents that ensure a responsible attitude to wildlife, to make decisions in a particular situation in accordance with generally accepted humanistic, moral norms and principles of behavior.
ON 11. To apply new conceptual approaches and directions of development of pedagogical science in the context of the modern paradigm of education, to apply modern methods and techniques of teaching in the field of teaching biomedical Sciences, various methodological approaches to the educational process in higher education, to use in personal practice modern research tools and innovative technologies of translation of knowledge of the basic concepts of natural science and Biomedicine;
ON 12. To demonstrate originality and creativity in the implementation of activities in the biomedical and pedagogical fields and building the trajectory of their professional development throughout their professional career, providing high competitiveness, to make their own original contribution to the development of this specialty.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years