KazNU: Level «АА+»


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According to the research of the authoritative European rating «Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard» («ARES») Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has been highly evaluated by «AA+ and ranked among the leading European universities.

The International Ranking «ARES» has been conducted since 2011 by the European Scientific and Industrial Chamber. This year, more than 530 higher education institutions of the CIS countries, whose activities meet European standards, took part in it. The results of the «ARES» are taken into consideration by the world’s leading rating agencies. The ARES results are reviewed every two years and they are taken into account by the world's leading rating agencies. Since 2018, KazNU has significantly improved its performance in the ranking by reaching the level «AA+», which indicates the strengthening of its leadership position and increased reputation in the academic environment.

The rating ranks Universities by such indicators as: scientific and innovative activity, quality of teaching, level of digitalization, demand for graduates, international recognition, academic mobility of students and teachers. The positions of the University in international rankings and in the academic community are also taken into account.

It should be noted that KazNU, while committing itself to transformation into a research university, is steadily improving its competitiveness in the global scientific and educational space and is successfully advancing in international rankings. The leading Kazakhstani University aims to be among the best HEIs in the world.
