«Faster, Stronger and Higher!»


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The sports event «Faster, Stronger and Higher!», dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Department of Mechanics, was held at the sports complex of Al-Farabi KazNU. The Deputy Head of the Department of Mechanics of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty D. Turalina organized this sports competition.

About 200 students, undergraduates, doctoral students of the Department of Mechanics of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty participated in the sports competition, as well as curators and advisers A.Ismailova, B.Sagitzhanov, J.Lyazzat, Associate Professor A.Tulepbergenov, Associate Professor Dzhamalov N. and many others. The Competition was held in six kinds of sports: mini-football, volleyball, tennis, togizkumalak, chess, pulling the rope. In particular, three teams took part in mini-football competitions, eight teams in volleyball, four teams in pulling the rope, 23 students in tennis, 8 students in chess, and 10 students in togizkumalak.

The sport event was held with the support of the Head of the Department of General Physical Culture E.K.Dilmakhambetov, as well as undergraduates - trainees of the Department of Mechanics.

At the end of the Competition, the Head of the Department of Mechanics Z.Rakisheva thanked students, graduate students and teachers of the Department for their activity and for supporting a healthy lifestyle.

The winners received special prizes and certificates.

Department of Mechanics