The Role of modern geodetic instruments in modern conditions


         Be able to determine the place of the subject of modern geodetic instruments in practical work, indicate, organize geodetic work, collect, process, process information and use it in design. Further training of geodetic instrument designs, in-depth theoretical knowledge, the ability to apply the results of geodetic measurements of the heights of planned and frequency systems and the basics of planned high-rise structures in the construction of construction structures. Scientific examination of these issues by students.

        Geodesy is a science that has been widely used in construction and solves the following main tasks: obtaining geodetic data at the design stage of construction (engineering and geodetic surveys); removing and locally fixing the boundaries of the main axes and structures in accordance with the project (separation work); ensuring the correct geometric shapes and sizes of building elements at the construction stage, performing design (engineering and geodetic surveys)from executive surveys) identification of deviations, observation of deformation of the earth's surface or the structure itself.

       Scientific and technological progress does not stand still. Every day it covers many areas of our life. The pace of construction has increased significantly over the past few years. As a result, this led to the development of equipment for geodesy. Any geodetic instruments on a modern construction site are one of the most important and necessary elements. There is also a clear relationship between the development of the segment of geodetic instruments and high-precision computer technology. Computer innovations have made it possible to modernize and improve geodetic equipment.      

Publication date :  10/14/2023