International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "From Experience to Project"

The history of our conference began in 2021, when the whole world had the opportunity to contact and develop scientific ties only online. Despite these circumstances, the pandemic of 2019, we were still able to unite the interests of young scientists and hold the I International Conference of Students and Young Scientists. It was an incredible scale with a very wide geography of participants, heated discussions and the best scientific projects.
Attempts to hold a face-to-face conference in 2022 also failed due to instability and the emergence of more and more new strains of the virus. This conference has been enhanced by the inclusion of master classes from the world's leading speakers.
And at the end of 2023, the year brought us a more stable situation.
Today, welcoming you to the III International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "From Experience to Project", we are immensely pleased with your interest and the opportunity to be with us!
Our conference is organized for the first time in an unconventional format. We will hold a conference together in the picturesque area of Almaty, enjoy not only the scientific component of our meeting, but we can also relax together and expand the circle of friends.
We tried to create maximum comfort for you for close acquaintance, exchange of scientific ideas and getting a powerful charge in the circle of like-minded people.
Undoubtedly, participation in our conference will remain in your memory for a long time as the most creative and warm event.
We believe that the next events you will be with us!


Подробнее о III Международной конференции студентов и молодых ученых «От опыта к проекту»


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  • 12 декабря 2020г стартовала конференция «From experience to project» организованная КазНУ им. аль-Фараби. Несмотря на пандемию и дистанционное обучение студенты и докторанты смогли продолжать научную деятельность в этот нелегкий период и сегодня представить ее нам. Участниками конференции являются студенты из ВУЗов Казахстана, ближнего и дальнего  зарубежья, такие как Кыргызстан, Таджикистан, Россия, Кения, Китай, Турция, Египт, Италия.