"I'm sorry about my fate...» Curatorial hour dedicated to the 90th anniversary of mukagali Makatayev


Views: 1962

Makulbek Dinara, a student of the group, presented a presentation dedicated to the disclosure of M. Makatayev's personality. Dinara told about the life of the Kazakh muzbalak poet – Mukagali Makatayev: about the place of birth and the date of birth, about uncertain circumstances related to the exact date of birth. Makatayev's parents and siblings, their living conditions, the creation of a family, and the fate of their children were discussed.In the next turn, students of the group Tolep Kalima and Dalazhanova Zhibek read the poems of the poet "Omir uzumeyik almasp", "about life" and "Gashykpyn".