Development of a mechanism for the formation and implementation of social tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan by involving the state, employers and employees


Project’s IRN: AP08956934

Priority: Scientific foundations “Mangilik el” (education of the XXI century, fundamental and applied research in the field of humanities)

Sub-Priority: Fundamental, applied, interdisciplinary research in the field of social sciences: Research in the field of social modernization, demography, human potential, labor market and labor relations

Implementation period: 2020-2021 (12 months)

Customer: State Institution “Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Research adviser: PhD, Associate Professor Assipova Zh.M.


  • Relevance and idea of the project:

To date, no comprehensive work on the topic under study has been carried out to substantiate the necessity and possibility of developing social tourism on the territory of Kazakhstan. There is experience in researching local problems directly or indirectly related to tourism activities, usually of an applied nature, the results of which have lost their relevance as a result of changes that have occurred in recent years in the economy, social sphere, legislative framework, as well as in connection with the emergence of new technical possibilities of collecting and interpreting primary material, changing the requirements for the presentation of research results by the customer, potential consumers.


Development and substantiation of the creation of a working model of social tourism based on the positive experience of foreign countries and the experience of the former USSR in the context of harmonizing relations between society and the state, will create a basis for the development of domestic tourism, create conditions and involve socially vulnerable segments of the population in the process of travel and recreation, and ultimately this will lead to an increase in the standard of living of the population of citizens and to the development of the region's economy as a whole.


  • Project goal:

Development of a voucher system mechanism for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the development of social tourism based on public-private partnership between stakeholders in the context of supporting socially vulnerable segments of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the positive experience of foreign countries and the experience of the former USSR.


  • Expected and achieved results:

– for 2020:

conducting a critical analysis of the successful experience of foreign countries in the development of social tourism; determination of approaches, methods and prospects for the formation and development of a barrier-free environment in Kazakhstan and foreign practice; identification of the place and role of social tourism in the structure of tourist activities; clarification and systematization of the conceptual apparatus in terms of social tourism; providing a brief assessment to create the foundation for the development of social tourism in the country;


for 2021:

conducting a quantitative sociological survey to identify the possibility of developing social tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan; processing and interpretation of the data obtained in specialized statistical programs; study of market readiness (supply) for the development of social tourism in order to determine the possibility of developing public-private partnerships between stakeholders; proposal of a model, which will reflect the organizational and economic mechanism of the functioning of social and barrier-free tourism in the country.


  • Research team members:



Full name of the project executor

Position in the project

Academic degree, academic title

Author ID in Scopus

Researcher ID Web of Science


Google Scholar


Assipova, Zhanna M.

Research advisor, Senior Research Fellow

PhD, Associate Professor






Nuruly, Yeldar

Responsible executor, Research Fellow

PhD student






Aktymbayeva, Aliya S.

Leading Research Fellow

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor






Kulakhmetova, Gulbaram A.

Research Fellow







Bazarbekova, Madina M.

Research Fellow







Publications for 2020-2021:

  1. Assipova Zh.M., Aktymbayeva A.S., Nuruly Ye., Sapiyeva A.Zh., Bazarbekova M.M. Prospects for the development of social tourism based on the Belgian model in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Moscow Economic Journal. – 2020. – No. 10. – P. 659-667. doi:10.24411/2413-046Х-2020-10728
  2. Assipova Zh.M. Social tourism: trends and development prospects in the Republic of Kazakhstan: monograph / Zh.M. Assipova. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2021. – 130 p.  Monograph imprint.pdf


Protection documents:

  1. Certificate of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright (type of copyright object: work of science). No. 20236 dated September 14, 2021. “Social tourism: trends and development prospects in the Republic of Kazakhstan” / Zh.M. Assipova. Certificate.pdf


Reports to ISPC:

  1. Assipova Zhanna. Social tourism in Kazakhstan: the overview of system and perspectives // Academic Webinar “Sustainable development of society through social tourism” – 2021. – Presentation with a report. URL: