On April 10, 2021, the head of the scientific circle «Top Manager», Doctor of Economics, Professor Abraliev O. A. and lecturer Mukhametbekova S. M. held a round table on the topic «Көшбасшы жолы – кейінгі жастарға өнеге».


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On April 10, 2021, the head of the scientific circle «Top Manager», Doctor of Economics, Professor Abraliev O. A. and lecturer Mukhametbekova S. M. held a round table on the topic «Көшбасшы жолы – кейінгі жастарға өнеге». During the event, master students and bachelor students made a report on the life path, political activities and merits of the Elbasy during the years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A discussion between the participants was also organized within the framework of this topic. At the end of the event, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Management Abraliev O. A. expressed his opinion and shared interesting historical data about the Elbasy.