Local history club "Sayakhat»


1. Generalities


1.1. Local history club "Sayahat" was created on the basis of Department of language and General education training of foreigners. Members of the club are students of faculty.

1.2. The main direction of the club's work:

- acquaintance of students with the nature of the region, cultural and historical monuments;

- visiting museums in Almaty;

- discussion of excursions.

1.3. In its work in practice, the Club is guided by this provision.

1.4. The club is a voluntary Association of FPE student.


2. Goal and objectives of the Club


2.1. To acquaint foreign students with the nature of the region, historical and cultural monuments of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its modern reality.

2.2. Promote the development of cognitive and creative interests of foreign students.

2.3. Develop respect for the traditions and customs of other peoples.

2.4. Instill a careful attitude to nature.

2.5. Stimulate interest in learning Russian and Kazakh languages.

2.6. Contribute to improving the organization of educational process;

2.7. Provide assistance in adapting to a new language, social and cultural environment for students, intensify the process of language acquisition and help increase the motivation of students ' learning activities.


3. Organization of the Club


3.1. The club organizes its work on the basis of the Department of language and General education for foreigners.

3.2. The work of Club is carried out according to the plan.

3.3. Form of work:

- conversations, discussions, excursions, visits to museums.


4. Control of the Club's work


4.1. control over the work of the Club is assigned by the head of Department of language and General education training of foreigners