Seminar on "Motivation to achieve success and avoid failures"

28.11.2017, at 12:30 in the 106th audience of the Faculty of International Relations, a seminar on "Motivation to achieve success and avoid failures" was held with the 2nd year students of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science.

The organizer of the event is Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology S.K. Berdibayeva.

The seminar was held within the framework of the project "Ainalandy nurlandyr". Professor Berdibayeva S.K. gave information about the effectiveness of the actions of people who are motivated by success, as well as the success of their efforts, the success of their activities, and the methods for achieving success.

There was a dialogue with students about the expectations of success in the cognitive sphere of people striving for success, and also the psychological aspect of motivation for success was carefully analyzed. During the educational event, psychological cartoons and videos were shown that encourage students to achieve success. Psychological educational event was very interesting and informative.

Publication date :  12/3/2017