Educational event in the framework of the project "Айналанды нұрландыр" on topic: "Psychological features of work with military service families"

The date of holding is November 17, 2017.

The time of holding - from 11 a.m. to 13 p.m.

Location: military unit no. 25750 (Boraldai village)

Organizer-moderator: acting professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, M.P. Kabakova.

Participants: chairmen of the Women's Councils of the military units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Purpose: to clarify the psychological characteristics of working with military service families and to analyze specific cases from practice.

On November 17, 2017, within the framework of the project "Айналанды нұрландыр" an educational event was held in the format of a training seminar on the topic: "Psychological features of work with military service families"

In this event took part: the chairmen of the Women's Councils or in another way - the heads of the services of working with the families of military personnel of military units of the Air Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan from various regions of the country.

By its structure, the training workshop was divided into three parts: introductory, main and final.

In the introductory part of the training, exercises were done to relieve tension and establish trustful relationships among the participants of the seminar; identified the main range of problems encountered in their activities by chairmen of the Women's Councils; as well as explanatory work on the correct use of scientific terminology in the description and designation of many psychological phenomena (autodestructive behavior, children with special needs, etc.). In the main part, the scheme of the family as a complex socio-psychological system was presented, its main subsystems are shown. With the support of the scheme, the features of psychological work with each subsystem were shown. In addition, specific cases of life were analyzed and questions were answered to the audience. In the final part of the seminar, the results were summed up and exercises were given to increase participants' self-esteem. In general, the seminar was held in an irresponsible mode, in a businesslike but friendly atmosphere. At the end the acting professor M.P. Kabakova suggested that in working with military service families it is necessary to adhere to the fundamental state document of the "Concept of Family and Gender Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030" as of December 6, 2016, and to strengthen composition of the Women's Councils by qualified specialists of helping professions - psychologists, social educators and social workers, for competent and effective work with families.

Organizer-moderator: acting professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, M.P. Kabakova.

Publication date :  11/21/2017