Seminar on "Transition to the Latin alphabet: the future and our values"

09.11.17 at 19.00 in the 106th audience of the Faculty of International Relations was held a seminar on "Transition to the Latin alphabet: the future and our values" with undergraduates of the first year of the Faculty of International Relations.

The organizer of the event is Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology S.K. Berdibayeva.

The seminar was held within the framework of the project "Ainalandy nurlandyr". Professor Berdibayeva S.K. began the seminar with the opening words of the President: "Our country has reached a new historical stage. At the beginning of the year, I stated in the Address to the people that the third revival of Kazakhstan has begun". Our country has set a new goal of spiritual revival, along with political and economic reforms in the country, is gaining momentum in carrying out cultural reforms. The professor presented many interesting examples and information and said that one of the main tasks is to contribute to this spiritual revival, as well as undergraduates of KazNU named after Al-Farabi.

The magistrates expressed their opinion and said that the transition to the Latin alphabet in accordance with their time is a promising and valuable basis for preserving the great steppe values, and understanding this is the duty of every citizen. Psychological educational seminar was very interesting and informative.

Publication date :  11/21/2017