Seminar-training on the topic: "Psychology of a successful person"

19.10.2017 at 19.00 in the 106th auditorium of the Faculty of International Relations, an educational event was held, a training seminar on "The Psychology of a Successful Man" with 1-year undergraduates of the Faculty of International Relations.

The organizer of the event is Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology Berdibayeva S.K.

The seminar was held within the framework of the project "Ainalandy nurlandyr". Professor Berdibayeva S.K. during the training seminar explained the concept of success in psychology and its psychological aspects and familiarized with the training program aimed at the question of who is such a successful person and how you can achieve success. A group training was conducted and each master student tried to understand the model of a successful person. Being a successful person is a vital credo for the younger generation. And about this videos were demonstrated and undergraduates shared their thoughts about the psychological path to success.

An educational training seminar on the topic of the psychology of a successful person was very interesting and impressed the undergraduates.

Publication date :  11/14/2017