The role of labor in the development of the individual student

October 17, 2016

Department of General and Applied Psychology under the "Aynalandy nyrlandyr" project is organizing an educational event for the studingthe role of labor in the students' activities.

Subject: The role of labor in the development of the individual student

Location:10: 00- 10:50, room 516, Faculty of International Relations,Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Organized by Associate Professor N.KSatybaldina,3nd year students, Russian department, Department of General and Applied Psychology

Language: Russian

The purpose of the event: to consider the educational value of the role of labor, labor education for the development of the student's personality. It is not a secret that present young people often are not very fond of labor, they try to consume more than create benefits for society. Due to that fact, understanding of labor role and importance for the individual moral development plays an important role in the formation and development of a professional.


Publication date :  3/1/2017