II-nd Republican scientific-informative conference dedicated to "550 th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate."

We invite students and undergraduates to participate in the II-nd republican scientific-informative conference on "550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate."
Conference will be held April 17, 2015 in Al-Farabi University.
Proposed for discussion the following areas:
Regional onomastic problems and their solutions.Toponomicheskie name, left a mark on history.Language of advertising in society and their own names: current problems and achievements.Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.
Please send the author's material (up to 3 pages) in electronic format (Times New Roman, size 14).
Terms of decoration materials:
Title center the (capital letters, size 14).The author (Name) (size 12)Name of the institution, city (size 12)E-mail (size 10)Scientific adviser (size 12)Abstract: 3-5 sentence, Kazakh, Russian and English languages;Keywords: (no more than 5 words, italic, font size 10), Kazakh, Russian and English languagesMargins: top and bottom - 20 mm, left - 30mm, 10mm, right.Line spacing - single.10. Registration of the literature on the model:
Within the text references are made as follows: [1.23] 1 - the name of the source, 23 - page [2:15, 16].
Organisational study materials will be sorted before publication.
Zayaka form (name, place of employment, position, rank, title, section name, postal address, e-mail) and materials will be accepted until March 30, 2015.

Publication date :  3/14/2015