The tour in the Biological museum of al-Farabi Kazakh National University

On September 28, 2018 department of biotechnology of faculty of biology and biotechnology within the Green Campus project the tour in the Biological museum of al-Farabi Kazakh National University was conducted. Excursion purpose: promotion of cultural historical values, it is moral - patriotic education of students. Organizers: associate professor Asrandinа S.Sh., professor Atabaeva S.D, Professor Shoinbekova S.A., students of specialty "5B070100" - Biotechnology.

During the excursion students got acquainted with fund of the museum which consists of teriologichesky, ornithological and entomological departments. With huge interest listened to the fascinating presentation and the story by the guide of the museum Dzhardemaliyeva Anar about a biodiversity of biotopes, ecosystems and natural zones of Kazakhstan presented in spectacular dioramas, stands and cards. Received interesting data on evolution of the organic world, on development of life on Earth and anthropology of the person, about an environmental problem and conservation, visually saw stands in which images of the disappeared animal species and rare, disappearing and uzkoendemichny plant species are submitted. In the big hall of the museum students were given an opportunity to admire an exposition of the Turansky tiger (Panthera tigris vigrata Illiger. 1815) – tsar of the tygai woods of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. And also actively discussed the global environmental disasters caused by unreasonable human activity. Received additional information on a systematics of an animal and flora.


Publication date :  12/3/2018