International Scientific-Methodical Conference “Oriental Studies in Kazakhstan: Formation and Development”.


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On 10 December, 2015, at 11:00 a.m. the International Scientific-Methodical Conference “Oriental Studies in Kazakhstan: Formation and Development” will be held at Kazakh National University.

The Conference is organized by the Department of Middle East and South Asia of Oriental Studies Faculty of Kazakh National University.

Objectives of the conference - defining the problems of Oriental Studies in Kazakhstan based on cross-cultural communication and study of the history of development of these relations, as well as learning and teaching of Oriental languages.

Conference Areas:

1. Development and actual problems of Oriental Studies in Kazakhstan

2. Innovative technologies in teaching Oriental languages, literature and history

Conference working languages: Kazakh, Russian, Arabic, English.

Venue: Almaty, KarasayBatyr Street, 95a, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Oriental Studies

Conference starts: at11:00 a.m, 10.12.2015.

Contacts: +7 (727) 243 83 54, +77055005595