On December 22-23 Department of Military Education and Science of Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the Military Institute of the Army was a meeting of the heads of military departments of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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On December 22 participants attended a military department of al-Farabi Kazakh National University. They acquainted themselves with the educational and material resources of the military department with big interest, with a newly equipped and furnished classrooms of weapons and the Army air defense equipments, teaching and training –shooting range of infantry troops, interactive, small shooting gallery, e-learning and libraries of the military department.

During the visit, the members of the meeting were tested on knowledge of military instructions, manuals, governing documents, and performed safety training exercise of firing from AK-74 in an interactive laser shooting range.

Summing up the Deputy Head of Military Education and Science Colonel Tauekelov G.S.noted active job of management and all employees of the military department of al-Farabi Kazakh National university in building and improving training facilities.