Bachelor courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:



Biology and Biotechnology

  • First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Natural Science
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1. Demonstrate an understanding of the neuroscience concepts at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organismal levels in the context of the law of the unity of structure and function;
ON2. Describe the regularities of the phylogeny and ontogenesis of the nervous system in normal and deviant development, and establish causal relationships in the system of interaction “environment-brain-psyche-behavior”;
ON3. Master the basics of statistical analysis and programming, mathematical modeling and forecasting of deviations from the normal functioning of the nervous system for solving theoretical and applied problems in neuroscience;
ON4. Apply modern experimental methods in the study of neurobiological processes at the molecular, cellular, systemic and behavioral levels, including modern methods of neuroimaging;
ON5. Collect primary research data in the neuroscience field in accordance with ethical standards and requirements and the principles of science;
ON6. Develop the design of experimental research in the neuroscience field based on the integration of psychological, neurophysiological, and mathematical principles;
ON7. Perform analysis and reasoned interpretation of data using mathematical, statistical, and information programs and technologies in compliance with the criteria of science;
ON8. Define the significance of scientific research reflected in publications in the field of neuroscience;
ON9. Expand own knowledge on the basis of self-study using information and educational technologies;
ON10. Scientifically argue and defend own views, positions, and opinions on issues in the field of theoretical and applied neuroscience at the system level.
ON11. Adjust, adapt and apply neurotechnological programs in accordance with the demands in the socio-economic spheres of society;
ON12. Possess the positive communication skills based on the principles of patriotism, citizenship, and tolerance for successful teamwork in the process of solving applied aspects of neuroscience.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years