Bachelor courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Media Communications



  • First Stage of Higher Education - Bachelor of Social Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1. Create a media project focused on specialized industry communication markets, using creative technologies and flexible strategies.
ON2. Develop a professional media trajectory aimed at the public and commercial sectors based on digital technologies.
ON3. Compare the technology of creating a media strategy and solve problems in the field of media communication for modeling and promoting projects in different cultural contexts.
ON4. Develop programs to identify significant problems in the field of media communication, ensure their implementation, and correlate the results obtained for further development.
ON5. Have the ability to adapt, implement, analyze and competently use research skills on self-management, planning and social responsibility in the process of creating media products using multimedia history.
ON6. Analyze future trends in the media and communication market and forecast development models using digital technology tools, as well as research methods, project and case studies.
ON7. Implement fundamental knowledge on creating project work for the digital environment, select from them an actual and basic idea for solving conceptual problems in the field of communication.
ON8. To justify the market trend for information support and promotion of the strategy in the digital media environment in a variety of enterprises, as well as to generalize the features of digital technology in the developing media environment, to apply these provisions in the preparation of media projects.
ON9. Formulate judgments based on incomplete or limited information in the field of media communication that affect communication and messaging, including social sciences, political science and psychology, and create high-quality media products for the field.
ON10. Create information packages and communication systems for the exchange, monitoring and modeling of messages in the media, using creative approaches and innovative technologies.
ON11. Interpret the results of applied research based on the latest trends in both academic science and the labor market for making creative decisions, taking into account the demand of media enterprises in the context of the transformation of classical journalism into a new dimension of media communication.
ON12. Work in a creative team, use new platforms including social networks, mobile apps and video games to test the procedures of various communication channels, using empirical methods and digital media communication technologies.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years