Ermekbayeva Bayan Zhundibaevna

Ermekbayeva Bayan Zhundibaevna

Yermekbayeva B. ZH. after graduating from high school enrolled in college in the specialty accountant and economist. After graduating from college with honors, she worked as an accountant, an economist at the Combine Achpolimetall. "From 1969 to 1973 she studied at the Almaty Institute of National Economy. Where she graduated with honors and worked 4 years as a senior economist at the financial planning department of the Almaty city trade administration .In July 1977 she was invited to work at the Almaty Institute of National Economy at the Department of Finance. Studied at the postgraduate, in 1986, defended her thesis on the specialty 08.00.10 - "Finance, Money Circulation and Credit. In 1990 she received the academic rank of associate professor at the Department of Finance. At the Almaty Institute of National Economy Yermekbayev B.ZH.successively held the positions of lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor, associate dean, dean of financial and credit faculty. In April 2001 in connection with the opening in the Kazakh National University.Al-Farabi, the new chair of the finance and audit Yermekbayev B.ZH was invited to head it. Since February 2009 Yermekbayeva B.ZH. was appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business KazNU. Al-Farabi. Yermekbaeva B.ZH. is the founder of the discipline "Taxes and taxation in Kazakhstan. For the first time in Kazakhstan, she has developed a program of this course, also being author of the first textbooks on taxation in Kazakhstan. In all higher and secondary educational institutions, students are trained on them, which are released in Russian and Kazakh languages. Yermekbaeva B.ZH. released training-methodical and scientific works totaling 185 pp, including 158.8 pp over the past five years. Dealing with the problems of the tax system, she has repeatedly held internships in the far and near abroad. She was trained at leading universities in the world (USA, India, UK, Japan). In 2007 the publishing house «?àçà? óíèâåðñèòåò³» published a monograph totaling 8.6 pp "Problems of development of the tax system of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of economic globalization." She is a member of the Association of Economists of Kazakhstan and a member of the editorial board of Journal of penalty "(Economic Series),"Accountant & Taxes","The World of Finance". In research tax issues was awarded" Gold Medal and Diploma of the International Congress of Economists in Kazakhstan. Also in 2004,she had been awarded a diploma of KazNU Al-Farabi, for the Best Research Paper of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University "in the field of social sciences and humanities (basic research). In 2008 she received the "Best Teacher of the KazNU. Al-Farabi. "In September 2008, for her outstanding achievements in education she was awarded the badge" Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. " In 2009 she was awarded the Medal of Y. Altynsarin. Since 2010 Yermekbayeva is a member of the International Academy of Economic Studies Eurasia. Today students of Bayan Zhundibaevna’s hold various management positions in finance and credit institutions in Kazakhstan and are making significant contribution to the country's financial system.''