
Seminar “Strategy and tactics of university management, integrated development program of the University” by professor Yuri P. Pokholkov


Dear heads of departments, deans and faculty department chairs!

Al-Farabi Kazakh National university invites you to take part in the Seminar which will be carried out in October 29, 2011 at 10:00 in Conference-room (15th Floor) of administrative building of the university. The theme is “Strategy and tactics of university management, integrated development program of the University”.

The seminar will be carried out by Professor Yuri P. Pokholkov, President of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia, head of the department "Organization and Technology of higher education", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Tomsk Polytechnic University.


All faculty and students are invited to take part in this public lecture


The Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University welcome you to take part in a public lecture of well-known scientist Ph.D., Professor and Director, School of Media and Strategic Communications Oklahoma State University, Editor International Journal of Strategic Communication Derina Holtzhausen.

Topic: Mass Media and Strategic Communication

Date and time: from October 24 to November 4, 2011 at 12.20 p.m.

Place: At auditorium 230, Journalism Department Building


Global Classroom Inter-University Session


International Cooperation Department of Al Farabi Kazakh National University and Global Classroom Program in cooperation with Earth Institute at Columbia University (New York, USA) welcome you to take part in a live IASDP Inter-University Session with Birla Institute of Management Technology

(BIMTECH) and Madagascar Development Learning Center (Madagascar DLC)

Topic: Millennium Development Goals

September 22, 2011 at 6:00 pm.

At auditorium 221 Chemistry Department Building (Main Campus)


Live webcast seminar “Business Climate 2011”



International Cooperation Department of Al Farabi KazNU in cooperation with organizing committee of Business Climate 2011 Conference (New York, USA) welcomes you to take part in live webcast seminar “Business Climate 2011”, which will be held on September 20, 2011 at 6:30 pm.

Dr. Andrew McKeon is founder of BusinessClimate seminar which annually gathers global leaders of business, science and technology. Tonight Mr.McKean will be giving a presentation on energy, technologies and engineering.

Please, sign up here:


Interuniversity electronic library of High Schools of Kazakhstan


Dear users of the Scientific library!

The Republican Interuniversity Electronic library (RMEB) unites the informational, full-text resources of resources of High school libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purpose of satisfaction of educational, scientific, research and other requirements of users. RMEB provides free and wide access to electronic libraries of 58 High Schools of Kazakhstan where is presented full texts of textbooks, manuals, scientific, methodical materials and published articles of professors-teaching staff, with keeping the authors rights.

We suggest you to use the free access to the resources of Republican Interuniversity electronic library of High Schools of Kazakhstan from computers, connecting to university networks, by the address: and by the reference:

Administration of the Scientific library


Республиканский конкурс идей «Инновационный Казахстан»


Республиканский конкурс идей «Инновационный Казахстан» проводится под эгидой АО «Фонд национального благосостояния «Самрук-Қазына» и призван:
- Стимулировать развитие инновационного мышления у казахстанской молодежи;
- Сформировать пул талантливых молодых людей;
- Создать «копилку проектов и идей».


Объявление о проведении конкурса на грантовое финансирование научно-технических программ и проектов


Комитет науки Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан объявляет о проведении конкурса на финансирование научно-технических программ и проектов в пределах средств предусмотренных в республиканском бюджете на 2011-2013 годы.
Заявка на исследование должна соответствовать требованиям конкурсной документации.
К конкурсу допускаются аккредитованные субъекты научной и (или) научно-технической деятельности, а также автономные организации образования и их организации.
Заявки на исследование должны быть представлены в течение 30 календарных дней со дня опубликования объявления по адресу: 010000 г. Астана, ул. Орынбор, д. 8, Дом Министерств, Комитет науки Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан, подъезд 10, ком 1049.
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