Профессорско-преподавательский состав кафедры

Academic staff

Now the department employs 19 lecturers, including 4 doctors of sciences and 4 professors, 8 candidates of sciences, associate professors, and 2 PhD doctors. The educational process is supported by 6 members of the auxiliary personnel.


Head of the department of optics and plasma physics,

doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor

Arkhipov Y.V.

Arkhipov Y.V. - Head of the department of optics and plasma physics, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor (2003, 2004). He was the first in RK to obtain the degree of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences in the specialization "Physics and chemistry of plasmas" (Physical institute named after P.N.Lebedev, Moscow, 1983).

He graduated the physical faculty of the Kazakh state university named after S.M.Kirov in the specialization "Physical hydrodynamics". He received the grant "the Best teacher at high SCHOOL" in 2007. In 1999 he obtained the grant of German fund DAAD and passed the scientific training at the Berlin university named after A.Humbolt. He made more than 100 scientific and educational publications, participated in a number of international conferences.

Academician of NAS RK,

the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences,

professor Baimbetov F.B.

Baimbetov Fazylkhan - academician of NAS RK, the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor. Has graduated from Novosibirsk state university in 1963.

He has been working at the Kazakh national university named after al-Farabi since 1973, ass. prof., professor, head of optics and plasma physics department (1986-1994, 1996-2004.), vice-rector for educational work (1988-1992 гг), vice-rector for scientific work and international collaborations (1998-2001).

Baimbetov F. co-authored more than 200 publications, including two monographs and 20 textbooks and methodological papers on general and special courses in Kazakh and Russian languages. He is the founder and chief of scientific school on physics of plasma in Kazakhstan. He supervised 19 candidates of sciences and 4 doctors of sciences.

For the outstanding contribution to development of a science and preparation of the scientific - pedagogical staff in Republic and for active scientific, organizational activities he was elected the academician NAS RK in 2003. He was three times a nominee for the State scientific grant for Outstanding scientists and in 2001 he was awarded the independent premium in science "Tarlan". In 2006 Baimbetov F. obtained the grant "the best teacher at high SCHOOL"


Doctor of physical and mathematical

sciences, professor Ramasanov T.S.

Ramasanov T.S. - doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor. He has graduate from the physical faculty of KazSU named after S.M.Kirov. The professor Ramasanov T.S. was a nominee of the State grant of Ministry of education and science of RK "the Best teacher at high school " (2006) and obtained twice the State scientific grant for the scientist and experts who have brought in the outstanding contribution to the development of science and engineering (2002 - 2006).

Ramasanov T.S. supervised 1 doctor of sciences, 13 candidates of sciences and 1 PhD doctor. He has more than 350 scientific publications, third from which peer reviewed scientific journals with the high impact-factor, he made more than 120 scientific reports at prestigious International conferences are made. He also co-authored 2 monographs, 15 methodological papers, including book "Electricity and magnetism " in Kazakh language.

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Zhumanov K.B. Akhmetov E.A. Sarmasaev M.T. Dzhumagulova K.N.

Zhumanov K.B. - He graduated from the physical faculty of KazSu named after S.M.Kirov in 1959, he has been working at the department of optics and plasma physics (till 1987 - optics and spectroscopy) since 1962, since 1978 - the senior lecturer, since 2002 - professor. In 1973 he obtained the candidate of sciences by defending dissertation " Influence of an external magnetic field on the electrical and optical characteristics of plasma arc " with the specialization - 01.04.05 - optics. He gives lectures at a high level for the students of the physical faculty on the following general course "Basics of nuclear physics" and special courses "Introduction to nuclear spectroscopy", "Physical optics", "Nuclear spectroscopy", "Nonlinear optics".

Akhmetov E.A. - associate professor at the optics and plasma physics department, chairman of prof-union organization of the physical faculty, member of the Scientific board and dean's office. In different time he passed courses for improvement of qualification in the specialization "Optics and spectroscopy " at CIF in MSU, LGU, IGU, courses in computer sciences and computer facilities at the Leningrad university and KazNU, and also passed annual scientific training at the International Centre of researches in plasma physics in Lausanne (Switzerland). The scientific research of Akhmetov E.A. is devoted to a problem of physics of LT plasma and spectroscopy. The results of scientific researches are printed in 39 publications.

Sarmasaev M.T. Basic education - molecular physics. In 1965, being “Lenin’s stipendiat” he graduated from the physical faculty of the Kazakh state university named after S.M.Kirov, he completed his post graduate study in 1972 by defending the candidate of sciences dissertation in the field of “Statistical physics – kinetics of the transport phenomena ". Since 1965 he has been working at the physical faculty. He is in close touch with a number of prominent scientific teachers in the field of physical education from MSU and Moscow technical university. He is an author of 4 textbooks and more than 40 scientific and scientific-methodological papers.

Dzhumagulova K.N. - doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor. She graduated from the physical faculty named after al-Farabi. Dzhumagulova K.N. supervised 3 candidate of sciences dissertations, She published more than 180 scientific writings in the republican and foreign jouranls, including 12 textbooks. The nomineer of the State grant of RK for the talented young scientists and of the State grant of Ministry of education and science of RК "the Best teacher at high school " (2007г.)

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Kodanova S.K. Zhukeshov A.M. Davletov A.E. Gabdullina G.L.

Kodanova S.K. - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, assistant to the head of the department of optics and plasma physics. She graduated from the physical faculty of KazNU named after al-Farabi. In 2001 She completed the candidate of sciences dissertation on the topic "The Coulomb logarithm and kinetic properties of nonideal plasma ". She was a nominee of the State grant of RK for the talented young scientists and has about 40 publications, including 5 textbooks.

Zhukeshov A.M. the associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. He graduated from the physical faculty of St.-Petersburg university in 1994, in 2003 he defended the candidate of sciences dissertation in PTI ESM RK. Since 1998 he has been working at the department of optics and plasma physics. The basic scientific interests are related to physics of pulse plasma flows and their application to technology of material surface. He Has more than 50 publications.

Davletov A.E. - associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. He honorary graduated baccalaureat in 1996 and magistracy in 1998 at the physical faculty of KazNU. In 1998 he entered a post graduate course and completed the candidate of sciences dissertation in 2001. Since 2001 he has been working at the department of optics and plasma physics. In 1998 and 2000 received the grants ESM of RK " the Best young scientist in Kazakhstan", he has the diploma "the Best teacher of KazNU 2008-2009 academic year". He passed scientific trainings in Utrecht (Netherlands) and in Paris (France). He has more than 70 publications.

Gabdullina G.L. - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, chairman of “Method-Bureau” of the physical faculty. She graduated from the physical faculty of KazNU named after al-Farabi. In 1998 she defended the candidate of sciences dissertation on the topic "Sections of particles scattering and conductivity of nonideal plasmas". Scientific interests are computer simulations of physical processes in plasmas. She has about 25 publications, including 2 textbooks.

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Tairova N.N. Torekhanova K.М. Meirkhanova G. Omarbakieva Y.

Tairova N.N. - The senior lecturer of the department. She graduated from the Novosibirsk state university named after Lenin’s Komsomol in 1980. Her specialization at the mechanical-mathematical faculty was "the mechanics of a liquid, gas and plasma". She puts into practice modern pedagogical technologies and new methods with application of various interactive forms of training, electronic books, testing in a network via the Internet, develops new special courses in IT.

Torekhanova K. - Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.She graduated from the physical faculty of KazNU named after al-Farabi. She was twice a holder of the State grant of RK for the talented young scientists (2008-2010). Scientific interests are computer simulations of physical processes of physics of plasma. She co-authored more than 30 printed writings in republican and foreign journals, including 3 textbooks.

Meirkhanova G. - the senior lecturer, doctor of philosophy in the field of physics (PhD). She graduated with honor the baccalaureate (2002) and the magistracy (2005) at the physical faculty of KazNU named after al-Farabi. In 2005 she entered her PhD study and finished it by defending the dissertation (2008). She twice passed the research training in Valencia (Spain). The reports at the international conferences - 6, papers in not reviewed journals - 5.

Omarbakieva Y.- Doctor of philosophy in the field of physics (PhD). In 2005 she entered her PhD study and finished it by defending the dissertation (2008). She was a holder of the grant INTAS (2007). and DAAD (2008-2009). She passed the research training in Rostock (Germany) and has more than 20 publications in the republican and foreign journals, reports at international conferences.

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Dosbolaev M. Ashikbaeva A. Askaruly A.

Dosbolaev M. - lecturer. He graduated from the physical faculty of KazNU named after al-Farabi. He is a holder of the State grant of RK for talented young scientists (2008-2010). Scientific interests are experimental researches on dusty structures in the various plasma discharges. He has more than 30 printed papers in republican and foreign journals.

Ashikbaeva A. - lecturer. Area of scientific research activity - physics of notideal plasma on which a number of papers in international and domestic journals were published.

Askaruly A. - Lecturer, PhD student. He graduated with honor the baccalaureate (2005) and the magistracy (2007) at the physical faculty of KazNU named after al-Farabi. In 2007 he entered his PhD study and passed research training in Valencia (Spain). Reports at the international conferences - 6, papers in reviewed journals - 9.

Maintenance and support of laboratory equipment and teaching are provided by the skilled specialists having basic physical education: Murat L.Т., Kusembaeva М.D., Iminova N.А., Mursalimova Т.А., Umirbekova Z.K., Gabdullina А.Т., Umirsakova S.А., Kemelzhanova S. - graduates of the physical faculty of KazNU named after al-Farabi. They take an active part in improvement of laboratory works, preparing teaching materials and methodical maintenance of educational process.

Head of plasma department with teaches and employees