Master students organized an event within the project «Green - Campus"


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December 14, 2015 with the participation of graduate students of the 1 and 2 courses of the Department of Chinese Studies of the Faculty of Oriental and Advisor A. Kenjebayeva within the project «Green - Campus" held a scientific seminar on the theme "Environmental problems and ways to solve it." The purpose of the event - attracting young people to the processes of transition to a "green economy" to contribute the protection of the environment, to instill a culture of environmental youth.
Master student of the 1 course Andreev Alexander made a presentation on "Environmental problems in Kazakhstan and effective ways to resolve them." He particularly mentioned that point the education of the students and graduates of ecological culture is important. The speech was finished by the thought: "The future is in the hands of the younger generation who mastered the knowledge in the area of ​​environmental development." At the end of the seminar Andreyev answered the questions from the audience. Next seminar to continue the discussion and had expressed the view that every student should master the requirement «Green - the campus."
The seminar was attended by teachers of the Department of Chinese Studies Kenjebayeva A. Saparbayev N.B. Arzykulov A.A. Anipina A.K., A.S. Koybakova, Madiev D. Abdurakyn N. Kerіmbaev E.A., Zhүnіsbek G. , Shәrіpқazy H, Tүrgenbay A. and deputy dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of educational and methodical work Iskakova Z.E.