The meeting turned into a vocational guidance


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December 10, 2015 Head of the Department of Chinese Studies Faculty of Oriental Studies Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Muhamethanuly Nabizhan at the invitation of the Director Kuatbekova Erena visited the school-lyceum №139 named after Ahmet Baitursynov in Almaty. Muhamethanuly N. made a presentation on "National history of the Kazakhs and the development of independent Kazakhstan". The meeting on the theme "550 year anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate" was organized on the threshold of Independence Day.
By the end of the meeting the professor answered the students’ questions, and presented 12 books of his scientific works to the school library as well.
During the meeting was also held vocational guidance work, the professor Muhamethanuly invited school graduates to enroll in our university, including the Department of Chinese Studies.