The meeting of the "Zhas archivist" club


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A regular meeting of the club "Zhas archivist" was held on November 25, 2017 at 13-00 in 402 the audience. The meeting considered organizational issues and the members of the club were acquainted with the regulations on the SRWS.

At the meeting, a 4-year student Aziza Yosebolat made a report on the topic "Personal funds of the Central State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Members asked questions. Aziza answered all the questions. Along with this, she talked about the stages of conducting scientific work and shared her experience.

The second report was made by the student of the 2-year course Balan Abeu on the topic "Document Science and its Modern Problems". Baghlan proposed several recommendations within the framework of the Digital Kazakhstan program. The report caused heated discussion and discussion. Members of the club asked questions and expressed their opinions.

At the end of the meeting, all the members of the club were given assignments. The day of the next meeting of the club was determined.

chair of world history, historiography and source studies