
November 29, 2011 (16 00 hrs, room 325) chair celebration Professor of Mathematics, Basic,an academician Askar Serkulovich Dzhumadildaev.


November 29, 2011 (16 00 hrs, room 325) on the initiative of the Department of Fundamenal mathematics chair celebration State Prize winner in science and technology for the 2011 Professor of Mathematics, Basic,an academician Askar Serkulovich Dzhumadildaev. The meeting was attended by Dean of the faculty mechanics-mathematics and Professor


“Science Swiss” exhibition started its activity in al-Farabi Kazakh National University


A “Science Swiss” exhibition started its activity in al-Farabi Kazakh National University on November 28, in the purpose of promotion the scientific relations, as well as conduction of cultural, educational and scientific exchange between Kazakhstan and Switzerland. The exhibition introduces the visitors the works and achievements of Swiss scientists in the sphere of physics, history, astronomy and other directions through photos.


Meeting - "Almaty – golden cradle of independence"


November 26, 2011, teachers of the Department of the State language, organized and held a meeting with participants at the December movement, entitled "Almaty – golden cradle of independence", which was attended by students 1 course, Russian offices of faculty "higher school of Economics and business."


The meeting - « Алматы – gold cradle of » independence


26 ноября 2011 года преподаватели кафедры государственного языка организовали и провели встречу с участниками декабрьского движения под названием «Алматы – золотая колыбель независимости», в котором приняли участие студенты 1 курса, русского отделения факультета «Высшая Школа Экономики и Бизнеса».


Invite you to participate in intercollegiate festival of educational ideas "Diagnosis of technologies in teaching languages"


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Department of language and educational training of foreigners Invite you to participate in intercollegiate festival of educational ideas "Diagnosis of technologies in teaching languages", which will be held on February 15, 2012.

There will be held the round table, methodological seminar, master classes on topical issues and latest trends in learning Russian and Kazakh language as a foreign language in high schools, the integration of Kazakhstan into the European system level descriptions for Languages and system testing; problems of training aspects of the language and type of speech activities.
The discussions will debate the following matters:


А leadership lecture of graduate student of geographical faculty


The department of Energy and Ecology organized a leadership lecture of graduate student of geographical faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Saltanat Baimurzanova on November 23.

Now she heads the Ecological Initiatives Development Agency (EcoIdea). Her lecture was devoted to the use of alternative energy sources in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Exhibition “Science of Switzerland” in Al-Farabi KazNU


Organizers: Embassy of Switzerland in Astana, Al-Farabi KazNU

Date and venue: 28 November, 201, 11.00 - Al-Farabi KazNU, Administrative building, 71 al-Farabi street

Duration of the exhibition: 28 November - 9 December, 2011

The exhibition will be inaugurated by his HE Mr. Stephen Nellen, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Switzerland in the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the Embassy of Switzerland in Astana, as well as his Mr. Galimkair Mutanov, Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU and the students and the faculty of the university.


The KPMG K-Foundation 2012 Online training program


Обучение в рамках KPMG K-Foundation 2012 включает следующие блоки: введение в МСФО, западный учет и основы казахстанского налогообложения; финансовый анализ и корпоративные финансы; английский язык; навыки делового письма, навыки проведения презентаций, управление временем, деловой дресс-код и др.; и многое другое.


Презентация стартапов «Open Faculty Startup Competition»


Команды презентуют собственные стартапы, не имеющие аналогов в Казахстане. К идее стартапа команды прикладывает подробный бизнес-план с анализом рисков, возможностей, угроз и т.д. Кроме того, в презентационной части командам будет необходимо убедить жюри (инвесторов) профинансировать именно их стартап. После презентации будет проходить обсуждение проектов команд, и его наиболее интересные комментарии будут опубликованы в журнале «8.30».


Презентация стартапов «Open Faculty Startup Competition»


Команды презентуют собственные стартапы, не имеющие аналогов в Казахстане. К идее стартапа команды прикладывает подробный бизнес-план с анализом рисков, возможностей, угроз и т.д. Кроме того, в презентационной части командам будет необходимо убедить жюри (инвесторов) профинансировать именно их стартап. После презентации будет проходить обсуждение проектов команд, и его наиболее интересные комментарии будут опубликованы в журнале «8.30».


opening lecture by Peter Finke


On the 28th of November 2011, 3 pm an opening lecture by Peter Finke, Professor and Head, Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Zurich, Switzerland will be held in the framework of the Science Suisse exhibition inauguration.


Republican scientific-practical Conference


November 18, 2011 in the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, Faculty of Philology, literary studies and world languages on the basis of the Department of the State language was held Republican scientific-practical conference under the auspices of the Competence of the State language: innovation and modular training.


The past Republican scientific-practical conference


November 18, 2011 in the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, Faculty of Philology, literary studies and world languages on the basis of the Department of the State language was held Republican scientific-practical conference under the auspices of the Competence of the State language: innovation and modular training.


On November 16, 2011, was held a regional scientific-practical conference on "Impact of September 11, 2011 on international security policy and security in Central Asia"


The conference was held at the initiative of the Faculty of International Relations of KazNU named after al-Faraby, Center for German Studies, and with the support of Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the personal assistance of the Coordinator of the Fund for Central Asia, and his chef, the head of Wulf Lapins.

The problem of transformation the structure of regional security in Central Asia under the influence of September 11, 2001 has been the subject of scientists and experts from Germany, submitted to the European view of the complexity of the problem-solving regional crises in Central Asia - is Berlin scientists K. Suchanek, W. Schreiber, J.Nakmayer and A.Yusupov (Heidelberg).Experts from the Central Asian countries - F. Tolipov (Uzbekistan), Z. Madamidzhanova, R. Haydarov (Tajikistan), M. Suyunbaev (Kyrgyzstan), presented the original and in many differing positions with regard to security issues, which reflect the national interests of theStates.


In fundamental mathematics department hosted a round table discussion on tiled "Life and work of the eminent mathematician Academician RAN S.L. Sobolev" on November 15, 2011, room 418


In fundamental mathematics department hosted a round table discussion on tiled "Life and work of the eminent mathematician Academician RAN S.L. Sobolev" on November 15, 2011, room 418. In discussion was student G.B.Demidenko of S.L. Sobolev head of laboratory differential and difference equations of Sobolev SB RAS (Novosibirsk). He shown a film about the scientific activities of academician S.L. Sobolev.


Конкурс стартапов Open Faculty Startup Competition


К участию в конкурсе стартапов допускаются финалисты Open Faculty Case Competition – команды SIFE КазНУ и Индиго. В качестве примера вступит сборная команда «Open Faculty», в которую войдут выпускники программы «Болашак», тимлидеры выбывших команд Perfect&Genius, Smart Hearts, Dragon Motors, Team One. Командам необходимо разработать собственный стартап, не имеющий аналогов в Казахстане. К идеи стартапа обязательно приложить подробный бизнес-план с анализом рисков, возможностей, угроз и т.д. Кроме того, в презентационной части командам будет необходимо убедить жюри (инвесторов) профинансировать именно ваш стартап.


A meeting with the Director of the Touroperating company “Kompas-tour”, will be hold


A meeting with Zagoruiko Anna Sergeevna, the Director of the Touroperating company “Kompas-tour”, will be hold on 11th of November in the 1 hall of Department of Geography and Nature Management for students studying Tourism course in KazNU.

The event will have discussion form as part of the project "Leadership Course for Future Directors of Tourist Organizations". Subject of discussion is “The importance of specialized education I tourist business”


Was a video lecture by Professor AH Arystanbekova


November 8, 2011 at the Faculty of International Relations of Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi was a video lecture by Professor A.H.Arystanbekova on "Globalization of world politics" for undergraduates.

A.H.Arystanbekova the first woman ambassador in the history of Kazakhstan, the first Permanent Representative to the UN RC, Ambassador at Large of the Foreign Ministry. The organizer of the video lectures leadership of faculty of international relations and chair of international relations and world economy, with technical support of TVstudio of KazNU.

A. Arystanbekova placed special emphasis on the concept of globalization, its interpretation of the western and eastern scholars. Bole was examined in detail the research work of Professor K. Ohmae Japanese and others.


Open doors day at Information Systems Dept.


Ақпараттық жүйелер кафедрасының ашық есік күні №8 жатақханада 1 курс студенттері үшін аталып өтті. Студенттерге кафедра жайында келесідей ақпарат берілді.


"We are for a clean city"


Students of the Faculty "Geography and Nature Management" took an active part in environmental action in conjunction with akimat of Almaty and Kazecology organization which was on November 3, 2011. This action was part of the program "We are for a clean city".


Слушатели проекта «Открытая кафедра» в командной работе представили свои проекты реальной ситуации, взятые из деятельности компаний.


5 ноября 2011 года стартанул новый беспрецедентный конкурс «Open Faculty Case Competition», в рамках которого студенты проекта «Открытая кафедра» имеют возможность проявить свои практические навыки в области бизнеса, экономики, социологии, экологии, маркетинга, информационных технологий и телекоммуникаций. Особенностью проекта является то, что конкурсные кейс представлены из реальной деятельности от таких компаний как GSM Казахстан, Microsoft Казахстан, T-Mobile, KPMG, Карачаганак Петролиум Оперейтинг Б.В., КазМунайГаз, Daewoo, SWR 3, Бипек–Авто, Инновационный фонд, Региональный финансовый центр, Chevron, Евразийский Банк, Казахстанская фондовая биржа.


Choosing your career in IT business


Компания Prime Source, входящая в состав группы компаний Cevolur была создана в Казахстане в 2007 году. За это время компании удалось не только завоевать лидирующие позиции в Казахстане в области IT консалтинга, разработки и внедрения программного обеспечения, но и успешно реализовывать проекты на территории стран СНГ. Уже сегодня представительства компании открыты в России, Кыргызстане, Таджикистане, Туркмении, Грузии.