Yegizbaeva Meruert karpykyzy candidate of historical sciences, associate professor.




Course of lectures on the discipline" Мaterial culture of the Kazakh people".

The purpose and objectives of the discipline are to familiarize students with the problems and basic theoretical conditions related to the history of the material culture of the Kazakh ethnic group in various historical periods, including the present. A general description of settlements and types of housing, a collection of traditional clothing and jewelry of the population, a system of household appliances and traditional food, agricultural tools and outbuildings, traditional transport and transportation, etc. the main tasks of the training course are the differentiation of types, as well as the identification of distinctive features inherent in different historical and cultural regions of Kazakhstan.
Syllabus.pdf Мaterial culture of the Kazakh people
1 Lecture.pdf Introduction. The concept and meaning of the history of everyday life and material culture and the study of traditional housing.
2 Lecture.pdf Settlements and shelters of the Stone Age on the territory of Kazakhstan and dwellings and settlements of the Bronze Age (XIII-VIII centuries BC)).
3 Lecture.pdf Settlements and dwellings of the period of tribal unions and early states (XIII century BC – V century).
4 Lecture.pdf Early and developed medieval cities, settlements and dwellings (VI Century – VIII Century).
5 Lecture.pdf Cities, settlements and dwellings in the era of medieval states and the Kazakh Khanate (XIV-XVIII centuries). The yurt is an ancient type of dwelling of the nomads of the Eurasian steppes.
6 Lecture.pdf Settlements, dwellings and cities of Kazakhstan as part of Russia (1734-1917).
7 Lecture.pdf Settlements, dwellings and cities of the Soviet era and the years of independent development of Kazakhstan.
8 Lecture.pdf Facts and historiography concerning national dress.
9 Lecture.pdf Ancient types of clothing and jewelry of tribes on the territory of Kazakhstan. A complex of jewelry and clothing from the middle Ages and the Kazakh Khanate.
10 Lecture.pdf The traditional complex of clothing and jewelry of the XIX-early XX century.
11 Lecture.pdf Changes in Kazakh clothing during the Soviet period and the period of independence.
12 Lecture.pdf The study of the culinary culture of the Kazakh people.
13 Lecture.pdf The connection of the traditional food system with the ecological system and the type of economy.
14 Lecture.pdf Nutrition: order, composition, etiquette.
15 Lecture.pdf Changing the nutrition system of Kazakhs. Dishes and tools.