EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM

6В02311   – Translation in the field of international and legal relations


1. General characteristics of the educational program

Register number


Code and classification of the field of education

6В02 Arts and Humanities

Code and classification of training areas

6В023 Languages and literature


Name of the educational program

6В02311- Translation in the field of international and legal relations

Availability of application to training referral license


Date of issue – 19.11.2020 

1.1 Purpose of educational program

The purpose of the program is to train bachelors, highly qualified translators, with professional competencies, who have an understanding of new areas of modern translation studies and meet contemporary employer requirements and needs of society in the field of international and legal relations.

1.2 Key indicators of educational program 

Type of educational program: bachelor's degree

Terms of educational program: 4 years

Forms of study: full-time

Labor intensity: 240 academic credits

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Linguistics

Type of educational program: new

1.3 Description of advantages and distinctive features of educational program in terms of positioning in the educational services market

The educational program in the specialty "6B02311-Translation in the field of international and legal relations" is new and not accredited.

To implement the educational program, the following laboratories are available at the international relations faculty:

- Center for Roman Studies,

- International Centre for Intercultural Communication and Translation Studies (ICTS),

- German language center "DAAD" station-DEUK.

- Multimedia room for simultaneous interpretation.

Practice bases:

The bases for the students ' pedagogical and research practicum are:


2. Higher School of Translation;

3. Translation study TES GROUP;

4. Kazakh British Technical University;

5. Methodological Center “Inter-Press”;

6. Language Development Administration of Almaty region;

7. SP Nazira-French

Human resources potential:

Lecturers of Diplomatic Translation, Foreign Philology and Translation, Middle East and South Asia Departments have a high scientific potential:

1 Doctor of Philology,

1 PhD doctor,

10 candidates of Philological sciences,

4 masters of Humanities,

7 senior lecturers,

4 lecturers.

Among them:

Candidate of Philology, Professor, post-doctoral student of the University of Fribourg (2012-2014). Seidikenova A. S.,

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Professor G. M. Kassymova

Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Boribaeva S. B.

Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Muhametkalieva G. O.

Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor

S. A. Smagulova

Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Bakitov A. T.

Candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor

K. K. Smagulova

PhD Dr. Akkari A-University of Geneva, Switzerland

PhD Dr. Seb Burney – University of Birmingham, England, etc.

Academic mobility at the International Relations Faculty is carried out in the following areas:

- training within the framework of interuniversity cooperation, within the framework of academic exchange programs;

- training in the framework of joint educational programs:

French Alliance

University of Poitiers (France)

University of Birmingham (England)

Saint Petersburg Higher School of Translation (Russia)

University of Geneva (Switzerland)

University of Lorientale (Italy)

Galati University (Romania)

DAAD Lectorate

National Research University (Moscow, Russia),

Joint projects are being implemented with international partners:

the International Summer School together with the University of Suleiman Demirel University

"British Council" - advanced training courses.

International cooperation agreements signed with the University of Geneva, Switzerland

Seidikenova A.S. "Modern methods of teaching translation of foreign languages ​ ​ for academic purposes at the Faculty of International Relations";

Boribaeva S.B. - "Strategic view of the Islamic world in the 21st century: opportunities, development, problems and solutions"

Republican projects on grant financing:

Research interests of the Department: methodology of theory and practice of translation, linguistic comparativistics, comparative literature, interdisciplinary research in translation science.

Comparison with the similar programs of foreign universities:

Foreign scientists were invited to hold lectures on topical issues of translation science: professor Alekseeva I.S. (Russia), Julian Haus (Germany)

2. Qualification requirements in the format of learning outcomes

2.1  Expected learning outcomes of the educational program





Upon completion of this educational program, it is expected that bachelors will be able to:

1. Develop algorithms of scientific research in translation based on methodological principles and strategies of translation, theoretical foundations of intercultural communication, international and legal management, theory of foreign and native languages ​​ at the professional level, the specifics of translation in accordance with the requirements and norms of international and legal law in the process of interpretation.

2. Solve professional problems based on the high level of active knowledge of original language and language of translation, speed of reaction, clear diction, ability to focus, noise immunity, mental stability, good physical fitness.

3. Analyze and identify linguistic and non-linguistic factors of text translation within the framework of professional discourse, performing pre-translation analysis taking into account the linguistic-cognitive, pragma-functional specifics of the source text, simulate and compare the features of the language units of the country studied with the features of the native language and other foreign languages, taking into account the norms of translability

4. Master all the types of speech activity and fundamentals of oral and written speech culture, learning skills and skills of using language in various areas and situations of communication, analyze and synthesize various techniques, tactics and strategies of verbal and nonverbal communication in order to achieve mutual understanding, depending on the specific communicative situation and in accordance with the socio - cultural norms of their use, based on cognitive knowledge.

5. Independently study the necessary materials, search for information necessary for an adequate translation, be able to observe the features of the official business style, as well as correctly choose and use the translation techniques necessary for the translation of certain lexical units and have extensive background knowledge in the field of professional discourse. Evaluate and draw up diplomatic documents, draft agreements, contracts, event programs and observe the norms of regional diplomatic etiquette in international contacts of economic entities; carry out diplomatic correspondence with foreign partners or foreign policy bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6. Perform translation in the field of international and legal relations: achieve the high level of concentration and over-accuracy; demonstrate psychological stability in conditions of prolonged stress, manage emotions and behavior (interpreter-neutral translator); use the technique of oral speech and achieve smooth reading of the text in accordance with speaker's speech in the process, good diction and correct intonation.

7. Apply methodology of modern theories and concepts of international relations in the analysis and forecasting of international relations development, world politics and foreign policy processes and effectively use knowledge in international law and project activities to develop their personal and professional potential;

8. Apply the basics of professional ethics and speech culture in different areas and communicative-pragmatic strategies and techniques, formulate the basic concepts of communication, intercultural communication, culture of foreign language communication, means of verbal and nonverbal communication; identify common and different in cultures, systems of value orientations in the country of the language being studied and as well as in Kazakhstan, and name traditions and customs adopted in a foreign speaking country.

9. Understand the high social significance of the profession, principles of professional ethics, and use knowledge of their subject area, rules and norms of translation in their professional activities.

10. Master the ability to reach mutual understanding with representatives of different cultures on the basis of knowledge, understanding and compliance with the universal rules and norms of behavior that make up the international etiquette of communication as well as creation relationships with representatives of other cultures to recognize their cultural values, to be tolerant of emerging differences in communication manners, behavioral styles, lifestyle, customs, traditions, etc.

11. Provide measures for using and developing professional knowledge and exchange of experience in the field of theory and methodology of linguistics, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, linguistic and translation analysis, demonstrating the ability to adapt the language and style to the speech of the speaker and the audience, distinguish accents and regional variations of the language, demonstrate the professional level of communicative receptive (reading, listening skills) and productive (speaking and writing) skills in a foreign language for the successful synchronization of the speaker's speech in the process of translation activities in their practical professional activities.

12. Effectively use the technique of translation recording for sequential translation; apply techniques of text compression; overcome psychological and emotional stress in two-way translation; perform probabilistic forecasting in conditions of simultaneous translation; use synchronous equipment, programs of text editors, electronic dictionaries. Train their memory to increase the amount of stored information.

13. Recognize social and moral values of national and world culture in the context of society development, to master ethical principles, legal norms and standards in anti-corruption measures, life safety and entrepreneurship, to apply business communication skills and skills of working with staff.

a. Expected results for each module of the educational program add a description of the modules

М-4     Introduction to the specialty

Upon completion of this educational program, it is expected that the bachelors must be able to:

1. develop the skills in the using of a foreign language as a means of communication with the formation of the following competencies: communicative (reading, writing, listening, speaking), language (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar), general cultural and interpersonal in the field of oral and written forms of communication:

2. convey the information, inform the dialogue partner; be interested, request information, interrogate, question; to advise, to recommend; convince, warn; characterize with the help of value judgments; express sympathy-antipathy, interest-indifference, hope and sympathy.

3. describe in simple phrases your family, school, place of residence, fellow students, daily routine, weather, seasons, etc., make a brief message about yourself, your activities and interests.

In the course of written communication:

4. describe in simple phrases relatives, others, their activities, house (apartment), etc. on speech topics, convey communicative intentions in compliance with the regulatory requirements of registration. possess practical skills and professional qualities in the field of international and legal relations;

5. possess a wide range of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of translation and translation technologies;

6. creating prerequisites for independent search and research activities within the framework of the experiment at all its stages;

7. master the skills of the general culture of scientific discussion, master the techniques of analyzing the original texts and translation,

8. master the techniques of analyzing the quality of translation from the standpoint of equivalence and adequacy, master the methods of determining the translation strategy.

М-5 Fundamental training of translators


Upon the completion of this educational program, it is expected that bachelors must be able in accordance with the A1 level on the Common European scale of competence:

-in the field of oral and written communication:

1.transmit the information, inform the interlocutor; be interested, request information, interrogate, question; advise, recommend; convince, warn; characterize using value judgments; express sympathy-antipathy, interest-indifference, hope, sympathy.

- During the dialogue

2. conduct a simple conversation based on prepared speech using repetitions, paraphrases and other means, exchange short remarks to maintain a conversation, communicate on familiar topics related to everyday life and the studied speech topics (family, free time, etc.), use the formulas of speech etiquette (clichés) for the beginning, continuation and end of the dialogue.

- in a monologue speech:

3. describe in simple phrases your family, study, place of residence, fellow students, daily routine, weather, seasons, etc., make a short message about yourself, your activities and interests.

During written communication:

4. describe in simple phrases the relatives, others, their occupations, house (apartment), etc. on speech topics, convey communicative intentions in compliance with the regulatory requirements for registration.

During the listening:

5. understand the goals, the speech of the teacher and his fellow students;

6. perceive and understand simple everyday expressions of everyday use;

7. mastering the language system and ways of using it in intercultural and communicative activities;

8 .understand the relationship between the communicative and intercultural competence in a professional foreign language, study and understanding of the problems of intercultural communication, verbal and non-verbal means with the identification of communication barriers that prevent effective communication, components of culture with a nationally specific coloring.

М-6 Professional Communication and Language Module


Upon successful completion of this module, bachelors must be able to:

1. analyze the sound composition of the phonetics and grammar of the studied and native languages ​​in order to identify the difficulties of its assimilation and to prevent the interfering influence of the native language;

2. develop the modern trends in the development of theoretical grammar of phonetics, knowledge of its basic concepts, features of morphology and syntax, understand various approaches and directions in the phonetic system of the target language, in-depth knowledge of the nature and function of sound means, as well as intonation characteristics, stages and methods of researching historical development the studied language, etc.

3. use the language units in accordance with the communication situation, taking into account the peculiarities of speech behavior due to the cultural traditions of the countries of the target language;

4. demonstrate the ability to communicate in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages ​​for solving problems of interpersonal and intercultural interaction;

5. productively interact with representatives of other cultures and religions and be tolerant of the traditions and culture of other peoples of the world.

6. be aware of the value of the national culture, respectfully and carefully treat the historical heritage and cultural traditions.

7. be tolerant of different ethnic cultures and religions.

8. know social and ethical values ​​based on public opinion, traditions, customs, social norms and to be guided by them in their professional activities.

M-7 General language module


Upon the successful completion of this module, bachelors must be able to:

1. know the features of the language as a sign system, the properties of linguistic units of different levels, the peculiarities of the interaction of linguistic units in language and speech;

2. master the most important linguistic terms: "language system", "structure of language", "language unit", "language sign", "phoneme", "morpheme", "word", "semantic triangle", "paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations", "Grammatical category", "grammatical meaning", "form of existence of language", "type of language", etc.;

3. determine the place of the linguistic unit in the language system and the genetic and typological affiliation of the most common languages ​​of the world;

4. recognize the most important phonetic, lexical and grammatical phenomena; master the basics of speech professional culture;

5. know the norms of the modern Kazakh literary language, the patterns of its functioning;

6. use the skills of public speaking, discussion and polemics;

7. master rhetorical techniques, criteria to choose the most suitable of them for a given communication situation, the norms of the literary language;

8. demonstrate a willingness to apply the knowledge gained in the preparation of speeches, as well as their pronunciation.

М-8 Interaction between Intercultural Communication and Translation


Upon the successful completion of this module, bachelors must be able to:

1. perform high-quality translation and interpretation;

2. use tools that match the type of text and evaluate the quality of the translation.

3.master the methodology of preparation for translation, including the search for information in reference and special literature,

4. master the main features of the official, neutral and unofficial communication registers and the skills of editing translations;

5. tolerate social, ethnic, confessional, cultural and other differences between participants in political and business negotiations and to implement forms of intercultural communication among representatives of different cultures in the process of interpretation in order to ensure cooperation and full-fledged dialogue in compliance with international speech etiquette:

6. comprehensively present language and speech skills, linguistic, regional, and cultural knowledge for simultaneous translation in the framework of international conferences and negotiations, as well as in cultural, administrative, and other areas of communication interaction.

7. create and apply effective ways to overcome the influence of stereotypes for the implementation of intercultural dialogue in the general and professional spheres of communication and the translation process; analyze extralinguistic factors of intercultural communication between native and non-native speakers of a foreign language to create an adequate intercultural dialogue;

8. must demonstrate the ability and willingness, as well as apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

М-9 Fundamentals of translator’s professional activities


Upon the successful completion of this module, bachelors must be able to:

1. possess an algorithm for finding information relevant for solving professional tasks, in particular, for understanding and translating the source text, in reference literature, electronic databases and Internet search engines;

2. perform search, selection and comparative analysis of parallel and case-based texts (templates);

3. master the technical techniques of written translation;

4. possess a set of technical techniques of written translation;

5. translate the text taking into account the results of the pre-translation analysis and in accordance with the genre and stylistic norms of the translating language adopted in the relevant subject area;

6. use automated and automated translation tools;

7. use computer programs for working with text, numbers, and graphics

8. edit the completed translation

М-10 Pre-translation text analysis and specialized translation


Upon the successful completion of this module, bachelors must be able to:

1. know the structure and basics of constructing written and oral texts on professional topics;

2. know the rules of speech behavior in accordance with the situations of professional communication, depending on the style and nature of communication in the social, academic and professional spheres;

3. conduct a business dialogue in professional areas;

4. create popular science and fiction texts in the translating language;

5. identify the author’s aesthetic concept of the source text and means of its implementation;

6. compose business correspondence (CV, autobiography, business letters), scientific articles of professional nature;

7. expand the glossary of professional terminology for making presentations, business meetings, negotiations, discussions;

8. make reports on the topic in the form of a review abstract or report containing personal assessments and argumentation.

М-10 Fundamentals of International Law and Geopolitics

Upon the successful completion of this module, bachelors must be able to:

1. know the basic geopolitical models, concepts and methodology of developing modern world, fundamental concepts, terms and key categories of geopolitics;

2. master skills of analyzing main factors influencing the formation of state geostrategy, determining the place and role of one's state in the geopolitical space of the region and modern world;

3. comprehend the accumulated factual material on the leading problems of modern geopolitical thought;

4. apply norms of international law and domestic legislation to specific situations;

5. analyze international legal standards on human rights and ensure their observance and protection;

6. systematize and summarize foreign policy and international legal information, prepare references and analytical reviews on issues of diplomacy and international security;

7. find dictionary and translation correspondences to lexical, including terminological, units of source language in target language;

8. master a set of technical techniques for oral translation of socio-political texts.

М-11 Theory and practice of note-taking in translation


Upon the successful completion of this module, bachelors must be able to:

1. know basic provisions of translation and theory theory of speech activity;

2. have an idea of classification of translations, concepts of interlanguage and intercultural communication, adequacy and equivalence of translation;

3. know similarities and discrepancies in the lexical and grammatical categories and systems of two languages;

4. tell apart genre-stylistic varieties of texts in English, Russian and Kazakh.

5. compare linguistic and cultural concepts and components of English and native languages;

6. apply various linguistic and cultural transformations in practice Russian and Kazakh languages

7. perform linguoculturological analysis of text interpretation from Russian, Kazakh into English and from English into Russian and Kazakh;

8. master the linguistic and cultural norms of the language being studied within the program requirements to master comparative analysis in terms of text interpretation, similarities and differences in the linguistic and cultural systems and categories of the two languages (Kazakh, Russian and English), as well as in the cultural environments in which these languages function.

М-12 Fundamentals of translator’s professional activities

Upon the successful completion of this module, bachelors must be able to:

1. apply the basics of the theory and practice of simultaneous translation to solve problems and difficulties in simultaneous translation from one language to another;

2. use simultaneous interpretation equipment according to the rules of conduct in the synchronous booth; follow the ethics of a simultaneous interpreter;

3. systematically develop perceptual qualities, attention, memory, thinking and resistance to intense mental stress to ensure the highest possible quality of simultaneous translation;

4. analyze the specifics of the speech in public, audience ownership and phonetic design of the translation text (articulation, intonation, tempo, volume) and practice them;

5. plan and organize project activities to effectively solve translation tasks of varying complexity;

6. develop the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life: for communication with representatives of other countries, orientation in the modern multicultural world

7. demonstrate skills of simultaneous consecutive interpretation of international forums and negotiations; Russian Russian translation

8. translate written and oral types of professional materials from a foreign language into Kazakh/Russian and from Kazakh/Russian into a foreign language simultaneously through improving the skills and techniques of translation.

M-13 Diplomatic protocol and Translation of Business negotiations


Upon the successful completion of this module bachelors must be able to:

1. know the basic categories and concepts of diplomacy, its principles, forms and methods; the organs of the external relations of the state, their purpose, objectives, organization, personnel, roles and responsibilities of various agencies of Kazakhstan and the countries of the studied language in the preparation and adoption of foreign policy decisions; the main directions and forms of diplomacy, the contents and features of consular activities, their legal framework; the role and place of diplomatic Protocol in diplomatic practice, the main activities of the protocol in various forms of diplomatic activity;

2. know the specifics of the status of foreign citizens and its regulation, international legal norms governing the status and legal responsibility of foreign citizens;

3. use normative, guiding and methodological documents on the organization of diplomacy; to use knowledge and skills in the preparation and conduct of the main protocol events of diplomacy; to develop the main documents within the framework of the diplomatic service.

4. master the methods of collecting and analyzing information, conducting negotiations and correspondence.

5. demonstrate the ability and willingness to master international etiquette in various situations of intercultural communication (accompanying tourist groups, providing business negotiations, providing negotiations of official delegations)

6. find dictionary and translation correspondences to lexical, including terminological, units of the source language in the translating language;

7. master a set of technical techniques of written translation;

8. translate the text in accordance with genre and stylistic norms adopted in the international legal field.

M-13 Translation in the field of management, marketing, tourism, court and information technology in translation

Upon the successful completion of this module bachelors must be able to:

1. master terminology, interpretation and translation skills in the field of management, marketing, tourism, military and judicial branches;

2. develop skills of writing essays on judicial, military, tourism, marketing, management topics;

3. shape speaking skills: a monologue in a professional context (for example, organizing excursions during a conference), conversation among maximum of four people in the educational or professional context;

4. automate the execution of written tasks with search for grammatical errors;

5. understand the main meaning of what you read, ability to highlight the main idea and problem of the text, understanding the logic of reasoning, ability to recognize the purpose and opinion of the author.

6. know main components of information technology, stages of implementation of information technology in the translation process, their place in translation practice, role and importance of information and computer technologies in the translation profession;

7. know the requirements for designing professional translation; foundations of machine translation; principles of MT and TM systems (translation memory), CAT-tools, their place in solving translation problems; and also be able to apply them in translation activities;

8. use the software to solve specific translation tasks, including automating the job search process.

3. Spheres of professional activity of the graduate

3.1 Planned area of graduate professional activity



Personnel training is planned in the following areas of professional activity:

-        sphere of education and science;

-        sphere of culture and intercultural communication;

-        sphere of international relations;

-        sphere of publishing;

-        sphere of mass media;

-        information and analytical sphere;

-        art;

-        culture;

-        bodies of state management;

-        organization personnel management;

-        administrative and managerial sphere;

-        cross-cutting professional activities, etc.


3.2 Types of activities (professions) for which the graduate of the EP is mainly preparing

The training of personnel for educational program "6В02311- Translation in the Field of International and Legal Relations" in the field of professional activity includes the following activities:

- translation (oral, simultaneous and consecutive translation of international conferences, negotiations, meetings);

- organizational (organization and conduct of various kinds of events, the creation of professional and public organizations;

- production and management (leadership or performance of professional duties (various kinds of translations in the relevant departments of domestic, foreign and joint ventures and organizations);

- information and analytical (implementation of socio-political analysis, preparation of business correspondence, reports, reviews, forecasts of situations, editing of translations).

3.3 Analysis and requirements of the labor market for graduates of this EP

For the future employment of graduates of the program, the key employers are:

-translation bureau,

- embassies and missions,

- ministries of cultural institutions,

international organizations,

various information and analytical services, tourism agencies, publishing houses, and other organizations and enterprises in whose activities the professional knowledge of a specialist in foreign languages and translation technologies is required: higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, research institutes and centers of Kazakhstan, Schools of English in Almaty,

LTD «DFI International»,

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University;

Ablaikhan University of International Relations and World Languages:

Kazakh British Technical University;

Kazakh-American University (KAU);

Suleyman Demirel University;


“Formbeton Group” LTD;

«Air Astana» JSC;

Language School «Langberry»;

Departments for International Relations;

The educational program is relevant for a specific area of employment

Translator in the field of international and legal relations;

Simultaneous interpreter;


4. Requirements for applicants


Admission rules: admission to the bachelor's degree of KazNU al-Farabi is carried out in accordance with the Model Rules for admission to training in educational organizations that implement professional training programs of postgraduate education, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 19, 2012 No. 109.

The university's undergraduate program in the specialty "6B020700 - Translation" is the main base for studying within the educational program «6В02311» -Translation in the field of international and legal relations.

Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have a certificate of passing a test in a foreign language (English, French, German) by programs Test of English as a Foreign Language,

Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Program (TOEFL ITP), (TOEFL, threshold score – not less 560),

International English Language Tests System (IELTS, threshold score – not less 6.0),

Grundbaustein DaF (threshold score – С 1),

Deutsche Sprachprfungfurden Hochschulzugang (DSH, threshold score – С 1),

Diplomed' Etudesen Langue français (DELF, threshold score - В 2), Diplome Approfondi de Langue français (DALF, threshold score - С 1),

Тest de connaisances de français (TCF, threshold score –not less 400), are exempt from the entrance exam in a foreign language.  

The list of prerequisites for this specialty is approved by the scientific and methodological council of the university.

Applicants for admission to the bachelor degree choose specialized subjects: "Foreign Language (English, German, French) and World History).