Educational Program: 6В02304 Translation Studies (western languages)

Educational program

6B023003 Foreign philology (Western languages)


Field of education

6B02 Art and humanities

Direction of personnel training

6B023 Languages and literature

Group of educational programs

B036 Translation Studies


Qualitative training of specialists assessing the environment on the basis of Professional training of specialists of multidiscipline expert fluent in a foreign language in its literary (English/ French/ German,/ Spanish/ Italian), demonstrating knowledge of the main provisions and concepts in the field of theory and history of a foreign language and literature, theory of communication, philological analysis and interpretation of the text, current state and prospects of development of foreign philology, capable of carrying out professional activities in educational organizations of various types, as well as in the field of intercultural communication and public relations, in the field of mass media and management, publishing and editing of specific magazines, philological research in literature and linguistics.

Language of education

English (French, German, Spanish, Italian), Kazakh, Russian

Volume of the credits Volume of the credits


The awarded academic degree


Educational outcomes

ON1 to possess the target language in its literary form, understand its dialectal diversity, regularities of the literary process, the artistic significance of a literary work in connection with the socio-literary situation, literary criticism and culture of the era, applying knowledge of the basic theory of oral and written communication;


ON2 to conduct research in modern areas of linguistics, using modern linguistic methods and techniques in scientific research of language and speech,

develop teaching and research projects in the philological direction, make an expert conclusion to projects of a philological nature.


ON3 To set and solve innovative tasks: to perform various types of editorial work at a high level based on the received theoretical knowledge and practice of the media: to demonstrate mastery of the skills of writing television scripts to apply the knowledge gained in practice; the ability to generate new ideas;


ON4 to apply grammatical, lexical, idiomatic structures of the source language of translation, taking into account translation conventions, use programmes that facilitate the process of translation, search, request and evaluate the necessary information, on the Internet as well;


ON5 to provide translation services, negotiate with clients, follow market requirements, get an access to information, plan personal time, work in a team, follow instructions, agreements, professional ethics, apply rules of conduct and communication in a particular society, including knowledge of non-verbal means of communication, draw a document in accordance with the standards adopted in the culture of the target language;


ON6 to organize work with documents in the process of managing (paperwork condition, monitoring the execution, storage and use of documents) of international organizations activity in order to organize office work and manage paperwork in accordance with the existing requirements of regulatory documents in a foreign language.


ON7 to practice various aspects of the analysis of literary works (aesthetic, semiotic, hermeneutic, stylistic, etc.), demonstrating the art of interpretation and evaluation of the text, making comparisons and establishing links between text and external knowledge; explaining the features of the text;


ON8 to master the methods and techniques of creation, processing and transformation of different types and forms of texts (oral speech), using theirmethods and techniques of analysis and interpretation;


ON9 to master information technologies of editing, summarizing and annotating in foreign languages, using the skills of computer data processing, working with various types of text editors, various types of SMART technologies;


ON10 To use for professional purposes the key ideas of SMART education as a basis for activities in a digital society; to organize the educational process by choosing relevant educational and methodological complexes and authentic foreign manuals, to be a moderator of students' educational activities, forming students' motivation for educational and cognitive activity by improving the lesson, to develop foreign language communicative competence in the totality of its components (language, speech, socio-cultural, educational and cognitive).


ON11 to creatively analyze and interpret various types of texts from a linguistic and literary point of view, possess bibliographic searching skills, using a bibliographic description of various sources;


ON12 to follow the norms and rules of professional conduct in an organization, build professional relationships with colleagues and administration, develop and apply the ability to solve non-standard situations in a team, to use in professional activity interdisciplinary knowledge (psychology, philosophy, ecology);

Information for applicants


Academic activities

Academic activities of the EP are carried out:

- within the framework of existing normative documents and methodological recommendations in the sphere of higher education in the humanities,

- as a result of the implementation of normative documents regulating the educational and methodological process in the university;

- generalization and dissemination of new normative and legal acts related to methodical work;

- The current and perspective planning of the University educational-methodical work, the coordination of the educational-methodical complex of discipline (EMCD) of the department for the conformity to the normative-legal acts, the working curriculum and the educational program;

- Monitoring of the provision of the educational process with the didactic-methodic materials, documenting of the results;

- development of educational-methodical materials; development and implementation of the working curriculum;

-academic policy and integrity rules of the university.

6 doctors of sciences, 6 PhD, 17 candidates of sciences work and 18 masters work at the department to prepare qualified specialists in Foreign Philology.

Scientific activities

For the development of students at the department there are various clubs like. Club «Kokzhiyek», «Tarzhiman», The English Drama Club, “Via Latina ad Cultura” The Latin language club and The German language Club, Laboratory «Sociolinguistics, theory and practice of translation».

The material and technical base of the department allows the use in the classroom innovative computer technologies of teaching a foreign language; there are synchronous rooms, projectors, computers, computer clusters, permanent access to the fund of the scientific library of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. An electronic library is available for students to carry out educational activities, which makes it possible to easily find and learn the necessary information in the shortest possible time.

The scientific directions of the department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies:

-        Foreign Philology

-        Intercultural communication

-        Literary studies

-        Literary comparative studies

-        Simultaneous Interpretation

-        Literary translation

-        Sociolinguistics and etc.

International activities

Contacts have been established with the following universities for educational programs: Constantine Philosopher University, Nitra (Slovakia), Janoš Kodolani University of Applied Sciences (Budapest, Hungary), University of Anadolu (Turkey), University of Granada (Spain), University of Cadiz (Spain), University of Donguk (South Korea), etc.

Quality assurance (Accreditation, rating, work with employers)

International accreditation


The term of accreditation: 23.09.2016-13.05.2020

National accreditation

According to the results of the rating of educational programs among higher educational institutions of RK since 2017 the educational programs of our department "Foreign Philology" (Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral studies) and "Translation Studies" (Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral studies) take 1 place according to the rating of the Independent Agency of Accreditation and Rating (IAAR).

Bases of practice: NAS RK M.Auezov Instritute of Literature and Arts, NAS RK A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics, National Museum and etc.


The main types of professional activities for which graduates are prepared:

- Junior philologist-researcher in research and other institutions; 

- Multilingual specialist in culture, management, media (translation, editorial, expert, analytical activities). 

- Specialist in the field of linguistic and sociocultural communication and public relations, other areas of social and humanitarian activities. 

- Translator-referent, translator-linguist in publishing houses and editorial offices of special journals, translator-guide..

The key employers for future employment of the program graduates are:

1. Educational Centers

2. M. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art NAS RK

3. Abay Research Institute

4. A. Baitursynov Museum House

5. A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics NAS RK