"100 Books - Moral guidelines of mankind"


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On November 17, 2021, an advisor hour was held in the online format at the link: https://zoom.us/j/91909666141?pwd=YktHT0NlK3RvSjg4Mnd5UEZyeEEwdz09 an advisor hour was held within the framework of the innovative projects of the university “100 Books - Moral guidelines of mankind”. Students studied and reviewed the works of Kazakh, Russian and foreign authors whose value reveals the general theme "Moral guidelines of mankind" and summed up the unshakable foundations of human life. During the cognitive hour, students got acquainted with the works of Abai Kunanbaev, Boris Pasternak and Daniel Defoe.

Abai Kunanbaev is a great humanist, public figure, educator, talented poet and human thinker, who laid the foundations of national literature. This glorious son of the Steppe was a representative of the intellectual aristocracy of the Kazakh people of the 19th century. As a child, Boris Pasternak dreamed of becoming a composer, composed and improvised on the piano. But fate decreed otherwise: he became a writer, the peak of his work was the novel Doctor Zhivago. And the novel by the English writer Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe", which tells about the moral rebirth of man in communication with nature.