
Circle leader: Bekzhigitova Zh.E. Lecturer of the Department of Mathematical and Computer


Time: Wednesday, Saturday


Audience: online

Cost: Free

The course is intended for: 2nd, 3rd year students

Purpose of the course: The purpose of the course is to study the basic constructions of the c # language, which will be useful in solving a wide range of problems.

Description: C # is rightfully included in the top of the best languages ​​that are intensively developing and are in great demand in the IT market. C # is used from the simplest programs to huge web services through which millions of customers pass every day. As a result of mastering the course, students will learn how to process and store numbers. Students will learn all the basic constructs: variables, loops, conditional operators, as well as more in-depth concepts: OOP, error tracking, working with files and much more.

Circle leader: Bekzhigitova Zh.E. Lecturer of the Department of Mathematical and Computer

Time: Saturday 

Audience: online

Cost: Free

The course is intended for: students of 3, 4 courses

Purpose of the course: The purpose of the course is to study parallel programming methods for computing systems with distributed memory using MPI.

Description: As a result of mastering the course, students will get acquainted with modern technologies of parallel programming OpenMP and MPI. In the course of studying the course, students gain practical skills in working on a multiprocessor computing cluster remotely in the LINUX operating system, compiling and running parallel computer programs.


Circle leader: Zhandaulet E. Zh., Teacher of the department "Mathematical and computer modeling"

Time: Saturday


Audience: online

Cost: Free

The course is intended for: students of 2, 3 courses


Purpose of the course: This course is intended for the development of mathematical and computer modeling of physical processes. At present, mathematical modeling is one of the most rapidly developing branches of modern applied and computational mathematics.


Description: A mathematical model is an approximate description of a physical phenomenon or object in the real world using a mathematical apparatus. The course includes the study of methods for the numerical solution of problems related to the study of natural-physical and physical-technological processes based on mathematical modeling. It is important to note that modeling is also a method of cognizing the surrounding world, which makes it possible to study in detail the processes occurring in it, since it is not always possible to carry out a natural experiment.