Academic mobility at International Hellenic University


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Academic mobility at International Hellenic University

Within the ERASMUS + program "SMARTCITY: An Innovative Approach to the Master's Program in Smart City Technologies / SMRCITY", a double-degree program is being implemented between Helenik International University and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University to train future specialists in the field of Smart technologies.

To implement the training of cadres according to the project plan, from March 7 to May 31, 2020, undergraduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specializing in mathematical and computer modeling, Shopan Anara and Musina Kamila were sent to study under the double-diploma program at the International University of Heleniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Within the framework of academic mobility, subjects were studied in the field of ICT Managemnt, Data mining, Big data, Software Development and others. Since the training period fell on the pandemic associated with the spread of the new COVID-2019 virus and in order to ensure the safety and security of the students, the classes were held online.

Nevertheless, this did not prevent our students from mastering all the courses prescribed for academic mobility. They have successfully passed all the exams and have returned to Kazakhstan to continue their second year under the master's program at KazNU.