Opinions of foreign students about KazNU

My name is Uali Shatgul. She came from the people's Republic of China. I am a 3-year student of the faculty of Philology and world languages of al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Despite all my experiences, teachers of the faculty of Philology providing training for future competitive professionals and gifted classmates from the first days of training took me amicably and with great warmth. It's been three years since then. During this time I have gained invaluable knowledge, skills and experience, which in the future, of course, will be very useful to me. I want to emphasize the teachers of the faculty of Philology, their high professionalism, attentive and sensitive attitude to students. I am proud that I study in the best educational institution of Kazakhstan!


My name is Chen Jing. Friends and bandmates friendly call Nazim. At the faculty of Philology and world languages of the Kazakh national University. al-Farabi studying for more than 3 years. I am very glad that I had the opportunity to study at the Kazakh national University. Because KazNU is one of the best universities in Kazakhstan, which provides quality education. The University has all conditions for education and leisure. Also during my studies I found a lot of friends. Thanks to my new friends, I quickly adapted to a new place and fell in love with the city of Almaty and Kazakhstan. This year our University celebrates its 85th anniversary. Happy anniversary Treasury!


My name is Huang Yu. I'm from the people's Republic of China. Among friends, my name is Samal. This is a very sonorous and beautiful Kazakh name. I am a 3-year student of the faculty of Philology and world languages. Of course, Kazakh national University. al-Farabi is one of the largest universities in the Republic and has a special place in science and higher education. Also, the University has all the conditions for students. They have the opportunity to play sports, relax, develop spiritually and creatively, and most importantly to receive education in accordance with modern requirements. I am proud to study at the best University in Kazakhstan. I sincerely wish the entire teaching staff great professional achievements, the implementation of creative ideas! Students of our faculty success in their studies and firmness in achieving this goal! And the University itself further successful development!