Мaster class


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October 11, 2019; at 11.00-13.00 230 audiences held a seminar on the theme “Autumn 2019 by AACA” (“Advertising Association of Central Asia”,

as well as a Master Class "Business Plan" of the International Business Consulting Group company. The seminar program was presented by the best experts in the field of PR and international journalism
These events were held as part of the “Nest of the National Spirit” workshop.
held by the Department of UNESCO, International Journalism and Media in the society "WEEK OF PR AND INTERNATIONAL JOURNALISM", which is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the university,

Organizers: Department of UNESCO, International Journalism and Media in Society, Head of the Department N. Shyngysova, +77019939007; deputy head cafe Gubasheva D.T., 87785111045 deputy head. Kaf Mamyrova K.S., 87053367260; Tel departments -1344