"Dedication to students" KazNU Al-Farabi.


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"Dedication to students" KazNU Al-Farabi.

September 26, 2018 in the KazNU. al-Farabi passed a bright event of the new academic year for freshmen - "Dedication to students."

On the day of dedication in the square in front of the Palace of Students. U. Joldasbekova teachers of the department "Physical Culture and Sport", the Center "HLS" and students took part in the concert and composition of the project "Cult of a healthy body." The students, in turn, took an oath to successfully study and work for the benefit of the university and the country. In the performance of the choir of first-year students, a hymn of the students "Gaudeamus" and the song "Zhasai ber, Kazy Um" were heard. The solemn event was attended by the leadership of the university, honorary guests, famous university graduates, teachers, activists of youth organizations, masters of sports.