Professors of faculty participated in 5th Conference of the International Society of Camelid Research and Development (ISOCARD-2018)


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Senior lecturers of the faculty PhD. Narmuratova M.Kh. and PhD Konuspaeva G.S. participated with presentation in the 5th Conference of the International Society of Camelid Research and Development (ISOCARD) “Recent advances in Camelids: biology, health and production” that was held in Laâyoune (Morocco) 12-15th November, 2018.

The participation of our lecturers is financed within the framework of the scientific Program "Development of technologies for new types of dairy products based on camel milk with domestic bacterial starters" (№0118РК01326, 2018-2020 years) that being carried out at the Department of Biotechnology.

The Society holds an international conference every three years since 2006, to exchange scientific and practical information in camelid research.

Interview of Konuspaeva G.S. to the Moroccan SNRT tv channel: