"New trends in science and education


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On April 6, 2017 at the Faculty of Philology and World Languages of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University the II scientific and methodological symposium "New trends in science and education" devoted to the famous scientist, that has made a huge contribution to education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to the prominent linguist, professor Eleonora Suleymenova was held. In his opening speech the dean of Faculty of Philology and World Languages, doctor of philological science, professor O. Abdimanuly noted high importance of holding similar events as they contribute to the development of innovations in linguistics, literary studies, and also in methods of teaching language and literature. Professor of University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, PhD, specialist in the field of sociolinguistics Margreet Dorleijn, the resident director of "Flagship" Programme in Kazakhstan Alexander Gross, the deputy director of the educational center "Humane Pedagogics", professor Nursulu Shaimerdenova and others took part in the symposium. There was also a solemn presentation of the monograph "Choice of Language and Correlation of Language Transmission" the authors of which are E. Suleymenova, M. Akberdi and G. Koishybayeva that was published at the end of 2016 in publishing house "Kazakh University". The head of the chair of Russian philology, Russian and World Literature, doctor of philological sciences, professor, corresponding member of NAS RK Bayan Dzholdasbekova made an offer to organize annual Suleymenova's readings.