Festival of Flowers "Almaty Garden Show" - in the framework of the project “Brighten the world around you”

On September 23, 2017, within the framework of the project "Light the World around You", the event was held by students of the 3rd year of the Law Department of the UP-309 group by the student clubs "Amanat" and "The Union for Progress". was visited by the Flower Festival "Almaty Garden show".

Event title:
«Almaty Garden show»

Date and place of the event: 23.09.2017year, Almaty, st. Gogol 1/24

Responsible organizers: Useinova G.R., Baimakhanova D.M., Useinova K.R., Ospanova D.A., Saginaev M.E.

The purpose of the event: Formation of spiritual self-awareness of student personality and cultural education.
Contents of the event: September 23, 2017 in the framework of the project "Light the world around you" students of the Law Faculty of the group UP-309 and the student club "Amanat" visited the festival of flowers. The festival is dedicated to landscape design, environmental improvement, landscape art. During the event the students considered the latest achievements in the field of garden "high fashion", demonstrated by landscape designers and florists. The students got acquainted with the projects of landscape designers, such as "Japanese Garden", "Water in the Garden", "Pocket Park", "Islamic Garden", "Mobile Garden", "City Flower Garden", "My Favorite Yard". Behind each such garden there is some interesting idea, carefully thought out concept.

Publication date :  3/5/2018