"School of the young teacher"

4 December 2015 12.25-13.15 h., senior lecturer of Department Religious and Cultural Studies, M.A. Jekebayeva seminar held an open lesson in the "School of the young teacher" in the thematic plan on the theme of "Shinto". The seminar was held with freshmen majoring "5V020600 - Religious" on discipline "national religion". Seminar were attended Head of department k.philos.s., associate professor Abzhalov S.U., chairman of methodical bureau of the faculty of philosophy and political science Zhubanazarova N.S., Doctor of philosophy, professor Zholdubaeva A.K., Alikbaeva M.B. Seminar was held at the highest level. Teacher projects additional material is applied, poster slides. Students actively participated in the defense of their presentation. Share your opinions, shown a video clip.


Publication date :  12/8/2015