Competition of innovative projects

November 26, 2015 first-year russian group students of specialty “Psychology” take part in innovative socially significant students competition within Republican youth students patriotic forum named “Мен жастарға сенемін!” (“I believe in young people!”), devoted to the First President of Republic of Kazakhstan Day. Innovative projects competition was in Students Palace named after U.A. Dzholdasbekov.

Students presented 5 projects on various topics. Although students couldn’t get rewards, they got important experience in self presentation and they had a chance to have a conversation with Rector of KazNU named after Al’-Farabi. Research Project Manager is Acting Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology Kabakova M.P.

Main supporters which believes in our students was Dean of faculty of Philosophy and Political science doctor of philosophy science, professor Massalimova A.R. and Deputy dean on scientific-innovations work and international links affair Meirbaev B.B., curator of the group, senior lecturer Sadykova A.T.

Publication date :  11/28/2015