Relïgïous éncïklopedïç prediction: concept, strwktwrnıe osobennostï and relevant problems

In Relïgïous and cultural studies department Faculty of Philosophy and polïtology 15 May at 15.00 years in 2015 (121 aud.) was hold Science Workshop scientific Project researcher "Relïgïous éncïklopedïç Dictionary" on the topic: " Relïgïous éncïklopedïç prediction: concept, strwktwrnıe osobennostï and relevant problems" problems conception, structure and specïfic content Relïgïous éncïklopedïç.

In this event who interests problems termïnology relïgïous in Kazakhstan, conception, structure and especally content potencïalnogo slovarya. Stock wçatnïkov obswjdenïya predstavlen senior relïgïous, phïlosofs, phïlologs, vostokovedamï, editor-in-takïmï how Home Kazakh éncïklopedïï St. fïlos.n., professor, academician AN Nyssanbayev Nurmatov SE, Begalinova KK, Kotoşeva K. Dabjanova JB (Academy KNB), Zamanbekov DS (Kazakh-Turetskiy birthday Demirel University), Control predstavïtelï do relïgïï g Çaldanbaev AN Tadzhikova KH, araboved, farabïst, philologist, professor Salkynbai Pomegranate, doctoral student and graduate chair relïgïovedenïya and kwltwrologïï.

The Head of project professor Baytenova N.J. when said, circle problem, svyazannıx embraced for the last structure and conceptual basic relïgïous éncïklopedïç dictionary.


Publication date :  5/22/2015